
bKash in Kotler’s marketing book

bKash in Kotler’s marketing book

Two case studies of mobile financial service provider bKash have been featured in a local edition of "Essentials of Modern Marketing", a marketing book written by professor Dr. Philip Kotler narrating market-specific success stories across the world.

One of the case studies "bKash: Bangladesh's MFS Story" states bKash's journey, particularly how its founder Kamal Quadir steered the largest MFS provider in the country, says a press release.

It also talks of how bKash brought a breakthrough in financial inclusion, the company's core values in business and its impactful role as an alternative financial lifeline during the Covid-19.

The other case study, "bKash App, A Household Tool", features how an app has become a one-stop solution for household financial transactions.

It highlights the story of making peoples' lives easier through the bKash app's features like send money, cash-in, cash-out, merchant payment, mobile recharge and money transfer between banks and bKash.

The book was unveiled at a ceremony jointly organised by Kotler Impact Incorporation, Canada and Northern Education Group in a city hotel on Monday when Dr. Philip Kotler joined virtually.

Planning Minister MA Mannan and Mashiur Rahman, economic affairs adviser to the prime minister, were present.


bKash in Kotler’s marketing book

bKash in Kotler’s marketing book

Two case studies of mobile financial service provider bKash have been featured in a local edition of "Essentials of Modern Marketing", a marketing book written by professor Dr. Philip Kotler narrating market-specific success stories across the world.

One of the case studies "bKash: Bangladesh's MFS Story" states bKash's journey, particularly how its founder Kamal Quadir steered the largest MFS provider in the country, says a press release.

It also talks of how bKash brought a breakthrough in financial inclusion, the company's core values in business and its impactful role as an alternative financial lifeline during the Covid-19.

The other case study, "bKash App, A Household Tool", features how an app has become a one-stop solution for household financial transactions.

It highlights the story of making peoples' lives easier through the bKash app's features like send money, cash-in, cash-out, merchant payment, mobile recharge and money transfer between banks and bKash.

The book was unveiled at a ceremony jointly organised by Kotler Impact Incorporation, Canada and Northern Education Group in a city hotel on Monday when Dr. Philip Kotler joined virtually.

Planning Minister MA Mannan and Mashiur Rahman, economic affairs adviser to the prime minister, were present.


ড. ইউনূস। ফাইল ছবি: পিআইডি

হাসিনা পরিবারের সম্পদের ওপর হামলা থেকে বিরত থাকার আহ্বান প্রধান উপদেষ্টার

দেশের সার্বিক আইন-শৃঙ্খলা পরিস্থিতি রক্ষায় দেশের সব নাগরিককে নিজ নিজ জায়গা থেকে দায়িত্ব পালনের আহ্বান জানিয়েছেন প্রধান উপদেষ্টা।

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