Samsung Electronics Bangladesh has introduced six distinct models of microwave ovens that are being assembled in the country by its local partner Transcom Electronics Limited.."The new models combine innovative technology with practical features that make cooking smarter and healthier," sa
Veon CEO Kaan Terzioglu revealed the plan during an interview with Bloomberg at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has launched efforts to reform the country’s telecom licensing regime to align with contemporary demands.
The government's excessive taxation is the primary barrier to affordable internet access for rural communities in Bangladesh, experts said yesterday..When a mobile phone user buys a Tk 100 worth internet package, over Tk 60 goes directly into the government's pocket, they said..Since
If implemented, total tax burden on mobile phone users will be around 56.3%
The NBR will increase supplementary duty on mobile phone usage by 3 percentage points
Experts are divided over the implementation of significant market player (SMP) guidelines in the telecommunications sector..Some argue that broad implementation is essential for fair competition and investment, while others believe expanding network coverage and creating value for customer
Riyaaz Rasheed, current CFO, will be the acting CEO with effect from February 1 of 2025
The telecom regulator has recently made it mandatory to pre-install Bijoy key board (Android package kit or APK file) on locally manufacturerd and imported smartphones.
The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court yesterday disposed of 13 appeals of mobile phone operators Grameenphone, Robi and Banglalink regarding some payments to Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), including VAT on spectrum and licence fees.
Local electronics giant Walton is all set to take part in the world’s most influential tech event ‘Consumer Electronics Show (CES)-2023’ at Las Vegas in the USA from January 5 to 8.
The ban on sales of Grameenphone SIMs was finally lifted last night, six months after its imposition.
Bangladesh economy was all set at the beginning of 2022 to get its growth momentum back after recovering from the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic. But, the start of the Ukraine war in February slowed the country’s joy run significantly, making it an eventful year to remember. Let’s see how 2022 was for Bangladesh.
A total of 97.4 per cent households have mobile phones in the country, but 63.1 per cent of them do not feel the need to use internet, according to the preliminary report of a national survey.
While it is vital to introduce digital technologies to workplaces, it is equally important to identify the problem areas where they can be implemented. Let’s look at some of the recent digital trends which will impact workplaces in the immediate future.
Mobile network operator Banglalink launched eSIM today to further simplify its customers’ digital lifestyle.
The number of mobile phone subscribers in Bangladesh picked up in October snapping a four-month decline thanks to the stellar performance displayed by Banglalink.
High-speed mobile internet will remain suspended from 9:30am to 8:00pm today in the capital's Golapbagh ground area.