What remains to be seen is whether or not we can make full use of its potential.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is a solid popcorn flick that delivers what fans have come to expect.
Silent Hill 2 is a fruitful amalgamation of powerful, atmospheric storytelling and entertaining puzzles and riddles.
In a city where survival has taken the place of living, the loss of trust in law enforcement isn’t just personal—it’s a crack in the foundation of society.
Out of 100, Dhaka scored 9.4 in the desirability factor – the lowest in the list – making it one of the least desirable student cities in the list.
For many students on a tight budget, meals become purely practical, devoid of any consideration for nutrition or quality.
From the aftermath of what was perhaps one of hip-hop’s biggest rap feuds (against Drake, no less), Kendrick Lamar has released his newest project. The biggest question is: Is it any good?
The Cyber Defence Innovation Challenge (CDIC) was a multi-phase competition encouraging creative approaches to cyber safety.
Her former students share a few words on what she meant to them and how much of an impact she had had on their lives.
Shanum Sarkar, a recent graduate of BIT, secured a Silver Medal at the IPsyO 2024.
Labiba Islam Salsabil and Abdur Rahman from BUET secured first prizes
Applications will remain open until October 22.
Here’s how you can get your HSC 2024 answer scripts rechecked, often referred to as “HSC Board Challenge”.
Bangladesh's Bored Tunnelers invited to Elon Musk’s The Boring Company headquarters to trial their tunnel boring machine.
Since the recent political instability, the Indian Visa Application Centre (IVAC) has been closed.
The British Council Women in STEM Scholarship aims to address the gender imbalance in STEM fields.
Play with earth! 0.03 is a calm, youthful, and melancholic album that should be a proud inclusion to wave to earth's discography.