
7 YouTube channels for beginners to learn Python

youtube channels for beginners to learn python

If you've ever wanted to speak the language of computers, now is the time to join the party with Python. From automating tedious tasks to creating your own cutting-edge applications, the opportunities with Python are virtually limitless. Whether you're a beginner or just looking to brush up your skills, this language is the key to unlocking your full potential in the digital world. 

Take your first step in learning Python today by exploring these seven YouTube channels for learning the tool and unleashing your inner tech wizard. is one of the A-listers in the world of teaching people how to code. With more than seven million subscribers, this channel is a reputable online learning resource for programming. It not only has a wide array of helpful videos on different languages, but its full course on python for beginners is one of the best tutorial series out there.

With the guidance of instructor Mike Dane, you'll master the ins and outs of Python programming in a fun and engaging way, with lessons designed around practical examples. And if you're looking to take your skills to the next level, also offers a range of advanced tutorials taught by other skilled instructors.

Programming with Mosh

Mosh Hamedani is an exceptional teacher when it comes to teaching Python programming. He offers two beginner-friendly Python crash courses on his channel and a full course designed for absolute beginners. 

Mosh delivers his lessons in a clear and concise manner, without any unnecessary rambling, and his calm and approachable voice makes it easy for his students to follow and digest the material.


Telusko's Python playlist is a fantastic resource for visual learners who prefer shorter, bite-sized tutorials. With over 120 videos, his lessons are concise, engaging, and perfect for beginners who might be intimidated by longer, more in-depth tutorials. 

Despite the abundance of content, Telusko's videos are just 5 to 15 minutes in length, making it easy for anyone to pick up the basics of Python programming in no time.

TechWorld with Nana

If you want to go through the basic building blocks of programming, TechWorld with Nana might be a good option. 

Nana's tutorials are easy to follow, well-paced, and cover conceptual topics in a gradual manner, starting from the basics and progressing to more complex topics. Her detailed explanations offer a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Bro Code

Chris's 12-hour-long Python course is the longest in this list, but also the most informative. He is a master of his craft breaking the content into easily understandable chunks that will leave you feeling confident with your abilities. 

You'll appreciate his ability to cut through the complexity and provide valuable insights, ensuring that you make the most of your time.

Corey Schafer

Corey Schafer is one of the best people on YouTube to learn the intricacies of Python from. His tutorials are highly in-depth and cover a wide range of topics. 

From basic syntax to advanced topics like web development and data science, his videos are a great way to gain a deep understanding of Python.

Kevin Stratvert

Kevin's engaging teaching style and attention to detail make him an excellent choice for anyone seeking to learn Python. 

With a focus on the fundamentals and a commitment to explaining technical terms, his tutorials are accessible and easy to follow for even the most novice coders.

Farnaz Fawad Hasan is a disintegrating pool noodle wanting to stay afloat. Reach her at


7 YouTube channels for beginners to learn Python

youtube channels for beginners to learn python

If you've ever wanted to speak the language of computers, now is the time to join the party with Python. From automating tedious tasks to creating your own cutting-edge applications, the opportunities with Python are virtually limitless. Whether you're a beginner or just looking to brush up your skills, this language is the key to unlocking your full potential in the digital world. 

Take your first step in learning Python today by exploring these seven YouTube channels for learning the tool and unleashing your inner tech wizard. is one of the A-listers in the world of teaching people how to code. With more than seven million subscribers, this channel is a reputable online learning resource for programming. It not only has a wide array of helpful videos on different languages, but its full course on python for beginners is one of the best tutorial series out there.

With the guidance of instructor Mike Dane, you'll master the ins and outs of Python programming in a fun and engaging way, with lessons designed around practical examples. And if you're looking to take your skills to the next level, also offers a range of advanced tutorials taught by other skilled instructors.

Programming with Mosh

Mosh Hamedani is an exceptional teacher when it comes to teaching Python programming. He offers two beginner-friendly Python crash courses on his channel and a full course designed for absolute beginners. 

Mosh delivers his lessons in a clear and concise manner, without any unnecessary rambling, and his calm and approachable voice makes it easy for his students to follow and digest the material.


Telusko's Python playlist is a fantastic resource for visual learners who prefer shorter, bite-sized tutorials. With over 120 videos, his lessons are concise, engaging, and perfect for beginners who might be intimidated by longer, more in-depth tutorials. 

Despite the abundance of content, Telusko's videos are just 5 to 15 minutes in length, making it easy for anyone to pick up the basics of Python programming in no time.

TechWorld with Nana

If you want to go through the basic building blocks of programming, TechWorld with Nana might be a good option. 

Nana's tutorials are easy to follow, well-paced, and cover conceptual topics in a gradual manner, starting from the basics and progressing to more complex topics. Her detailed explanations offer a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Bro Code

Chris's 12-hour-long Python course is the longest in this list, but also the most informative. He is a master of his craft breaking the content into easily understandable chunks that will leave you feeling confident with your abilities. 

You'll appreciate his ability to cut through the complexity and provide valuable insights, ensuring that you make the most of your time.

Corey Schafer

Corey Schafer is one of the best people on YouTube to learn the intricacies of Python from. His tutorials are highly in-depth and cover a wide range of topics. 

From basic syntax to advanced topics like web development and data science, his videos are a great way to gain a deep understanding of Python.

Kevin Stratvert

Kevin's engaging teaching style and attention to detail make him an excellent choice for anyone seeking to learn Python. 

With a focus on the fundamentals and a commitment to explaining technical terms, his tutorials are accessible and easy to follow for even the most novice coders.

Farnaz Fawad Hasan is a disintegrating pool noodle wanting to stay afloat. Reach her at


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