
Man killed in crocodile attack in Barguna

A man is killed in an attack by an alligator at Tengragiri Eco Park in Borguna on March 25, 2017. Photo: Star

A man was killed in an attack by a crocodile at Tengragiri Eco Park in Barguna today.

The deceased was identified as Asssaduzzaman Rony, 29, son of Golam Mostofa of Sabujnagar village under Shapleza union in Mathbaria, reports our Barisal correspondent quoting a union parishad member.

“Rony along with some of his friends went to the Eco Park. When he came closer to a pond, suddenly an alligator attacked him and took him into the water around 1:00pm,” said Salam Hawlader, a member of Sonakata union in the district.

Locals carrying the recovered body of the man who was killed in an attack by a crocodile at Tengragiri Eco Park in Barguna on March 25, 2017. Photo: Star

“The body was recovered from the pond around 3:28pm by local fishermen,” Md Abul Bashar, contingent commander of Bangladesh Coast Guard, told The Daily Star.


Man killed in crocodile attack in Barguna

A man is killed in an attack by an alligator at Tengragiri Eco Park in Borguna on March 25, 2017. Photo: Star

A man was killed in an attack by a crocodile at Tengragiri Eco Park in Barguna today.

The deceased was identified as Asssaduzzaman Rony, 29, son of Golam Mostofa of Sabujnagar village under Shapleza union in Mathbaria, reports our Barisal correspondent quoting a union parishad member.

“Rony along with some of his friends went to the Eco Park. When he came closer to a pond, suddenly an alligator attacked him and took him into the water around 1:00pm,” said Salam Hawlader, a member of Sonakata union in the district.

Locals carrying the recovered body of the man who was killed in an attack by a crocodile at Tengragiri Eco Park in Barguna on March 25, 2017. Photo: Star

“The body was recovered from the pond around 3:28pm by local fishermen,” Md Abul Bashar, contingent commander of Bangladesh Coast Guard, told The Daily Star.


লালমনিরহাটের পাটগ্রাম উপজেলার বুড়িমারী স্থলবন্দরে কর্মহীন শ্রমিক। ছবি: সংগৃহীত

পাথর আমদানি বন্ধ, বুড়িমারীর ২৫ হাজার শ্রমিকের কর্মহীন দিন

সংশ্লিষ্টরা বলছেন, বুড়িমারী স্থলবন্দরে আমদানি-রপ্তানির ৮০ শতাংশ দখল করে আছে এই পাথর-বাণিজ্য। আমদানি বন্ধ থাকায় প্রতিদিন দেড় কোটি টাকার রাজস্ব হারাচ্ছে সরকার।

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