
Emon and Raina's 'Elo Khushir Eid'

Emon and Raina's 'Elo Khushir Eid'
Emon and Raina's 'Elo Khushir Eid'

Yesterday, Emon Chowdhury posted a special surprise for his fans as he paired up with a musician from Netherland, Raina Rodina, which is being appreciated by his fans. 

Both of them recorded live Kazi Nazrul Islam's iconic Eid song "Elo Khushir Eid" through a loop instrumental.


In the video, Emon looks ecstatic playing Dotara while Raina draws the strings of her violin to bring out a magical composition of the popular song. Between the two singers is a combination of instrumentals starting from harmonica-guitar-keyboards. They played almost every one of them. All in all, it was a surreal musical experience that is a must watch for music lovers.



Emon and Raina's 'Elo Khushir Eid'

Emon and Raina's 'Elo Khushir Eid'
Emon and Raina's 'Elo Khushir Eid'

Yesterday, Emon Chowdhury posted a special surprise for his fans as he paired up with a musician from Netherland, Raina Rodina, which is being appreciated by his fans. 

Both of them recorded live Kazi Nazrul Islam's iconic Eid song "Elo Khushir Eid" through a loop instrumental.


In the video, Emon looks ecstatic playing Dotara while Raina draws the strings of her violin to bring out a magical composition of the popular song. Between the two singers is a combination of instrumentals starting from harmonica-guitar-keyboards. They played almost every one of them. All in all, it was a surreal musical experience that is a must watch for music lovers.



ইসরায়েলি প্রধানমন্ত্রী বেনিয়ামিন নেতানিয়াহু। ছবি: এএফপি

১৫ ফেব্রুয়ারির মধ্যে জিম্মিদের মুক্তি না দিলে আবারও যুদ্ধ শুরু: নেতানিয়াহু

এর আগে মার্কিন প্রেসিডেন্ট ট্রাম্পও হামাসকে সময় বেধে দিয়ে বলেছিলেন, একজন-দুইজন নয়, শনিবার বাকি সব জিম্মিকেই মুক্তি দিতে হবে।

৪৯ মিনিট আগে