
The types of people you meet while taking a morning walk

A morning walk has a lot to offer to you-the aesthetic views of the nature, a peaceful mind and a sound body along with the following types of people:



"Nice weather, isn't it?" — it all starts with this.

Talking about the weather is a polite way of starting a conversation with an absolute stranger. But sometimes, there are people who actually forget that the weather was what initialised the conversation and that they can actually move on to other topics. While you may be jogging and silently attributing the beautiful weather yourself, these people will slowly fall inline with you and then ramble about the weather. At first, you may find their company quite a comfort, but at the end of the day, you will realise that you just were indirectly forced into a one-sided, boring conversation about the weather.



They are quite the opposite of the Weather-Specialists. While the Weather-Specialist can't talk about anything other than the weather, these people will start the conversation with a very personal question. Seeing you totally uncomfortable, they will bombard you with the "neighbourhood gossip" to make you feel comfortable. Often, they take morning walks in a group, hence the name. If you ever happen to run into them, then good luck to you.



A morning walk is an excuse for this lot to show off their pets. They will jog and cuddle their pets every ten minutes and if you ever talk with them, I can assure you that they will give you an elaborate lecture on different breeds of dogs and cats. The plus point though is that you get to see really cute doggos and kittens with ostentatious accessories and can actually learn quite enough about grooming and taking care of pets as they are the living, walking, talking, Pet Care Centres.



They are the poets among the joggers. You will see their set of eyes transfixed upon the sky, the trees, the distant horizon and all the natural beauties around. You may also find them at nearby parks meditating or having yoga sessions. Occasionally, they will indulge in writing an intricate prose about the beauty of nature. You feel serene just by looking at them.



You will find them rhythmically strolling with their earphones plugged. They walk for a pre-scheduled time which they will precisely maintain and you have to be very lucky to find them talking to you. That said, there is a high chance that you may be the stereotype.


The types of people you meet while taking a morning walk

A morning walk has a lot to offer to you-the aesthetic views of the nature, a peaceful mind and a sound body along with the following types of people:



"Nice weather, isn't it?" — it all starts with this.

Talking about the weather is a polite way of starting a conversation with an absolute stranger. But sometimes, there are people who actually forget that the weather was what initialised the conversation and that they can actually move on to other topics. While you may be jogging and silently attributing the beautiful weather yourself, these people will slowly fall inline with you and then ramble about the weather. At first, you may find their company quite a comfort, but at the end of the day, you will realise that you just were indirectly forced into a one-sided, boring conversation about the weather.



They are quite the opposite of the Weather-Specialists. While the Weather-Specialist can't talk about anything other than the weather, these people will start the conversation with a very personal question. Seeing you totally uncomfortable, they will bombard you with the "neighbourhood gossip" to make you feel comfortable. Often, they take morning walks in a group, hence the name. If you ever happen to run into them, then good luck to you.



A morning walk is an excuse for this lot to show off their pets. They will jog and cuddle their pets every ten minutes and if you ever talk with them, I can assure you that they will give you an elaborate lecture on different breeds of dogs and cats. The plus point though is that you get to see really cute doggos and kittens with ostentatious accessories and can actually learn quite enough about grooming and taking care of pets as they are the living, walking, talking, Pet Care Centres.



They are the poets among the joggers. You will see their set of eyes transfixed upon the sky, the trees, the distant horizon and all the natural beauties around. You may also find them at nearby parks meditating or having yoga sessions. Occasionally, they will indulge in writing an intricate prose about the beauty of nature. You feel serene just by looking at them.



You will find them rhythmically strolling with their earphones plugged. They walk for a pre-scheduled time which they will precisely maintain and you have to be very lucky to find them talking to you. That said, there is a high chance that you may be the stereotype.
