TV & Film

Afzal Hossain praises Chayanika Chowdhury for her directorial journey

Afzal Hossain praises Chayanika Chowdhury for her directorial journey
Photos: Collected

Ekushey Padak winning artiste Afzal Hossain wrote an appreciation note for the renowned director Chayanika Chowdhury, on his Facebook account. The post contains an emotional description of Chayanika's journey in direction ever since Afzal Hossain has known her.

In the post, he wrote, "I have known this girl since her childhood. She began writing drama for television. The work was challenging, but I am inspired by her determination and mental strength one after the other."

He further completed Chayanika's accomplishments in the entertainment industry. "When a girl in this country wants to move forward with a dream, everyone knows how high the mountains of obstacles are on all sides, and how much effort it takes to climb them. The way I have heard praises from many people, many also comment the opposite, which I also hear."

He brought some references saying that people often do not feel the urge to complement others' good works, rather people are now more interested in spreading negativity.

"I haven't watched many of Chayanika's television productions, but I've seen quite a few, and I've even I have acted in a couple of projects as well. Over the time, I've gathered my own experiences and heard many people's opinions. I can confidently say that she is different, she has the ability to separate a person's faults from their virtues, and that's something special and appreciable."

He further went on stating that Chayanika has created a unique presence in the world of television drama. Her choice of stories and storytelling style are particularly liked by the audience.

Afzal Hossain shared, "Chayanika dreamed of making films. She loves to dream one after another, and her dreams do come true. Her directorial debut film, 'Bishwoshundori', has received much praise and has also been commercially successful. Congratulations to Chayanika for her achievements," he wrote.

"I watched Chayanika's second movie 'Prohelika', at the premiere. Everyone who attended was very excited. There's a lot to say about what we liked. Some feel really great, and there are also discussions about the few rough edges, but all agree that Chayanika has achieved something special."

"The courage to make commercial films based on such subject matter and stories is truly special. Chayanika has taken on this challenge and has successfully received everyone's appreciation and her film 'Prohelika' got released during Eid. The audience was thrilled with this new form of storytelling in cinema. Such successes and achievements are something Chayanika continuously strives for."

Afzal mentioned that he praises her from his heart, and that he hasn't got the chance to say it out loud to the director. "I'm saying it today. It's only right to feel proud of her success. She hasn't struggled to conform or compromise; she has fought for her self-esteem and walked her path. You know, in this society, no matter how much a girl fights, no matter how much she achieves, she will only encounter dust instead of success. She won't fly, only the dust of people's footsteps will rise – as if she has lost her way and stopped in her tracks."

Afzal Hossain concluded the post writing, "Foolish people don't know that the person who overcomes a hundred obstacles with determination will move forward with both sorrow and joy. Salute once again to Chayanika - move forward, even more."


Afzal Hossain praises Chayanika Chowdhury for her directorial journey

Afzal Hossain praises Chayanika Chowdhury for her directorial journey
Photos: Collected

Ekushey Padak winning artiste Afzal Hossain wrote an appreciation note for the renowned director Chayanika Chowdhury, on his Facebook account. The post contains an emotional description of Chayanika's journey in direction ever since Afzal Hossain has known her.

In the post, he wrote, "I have known this girl since her childhood. She began writing drama for television. The work was challenging, but I am inspired by her determination and mental strength one after the other."

He further completed Chayanika's accomplishments in the entertainment industry. "When a girl in this country wants to move forward with a dream, everyone knows how high the mountains of obstacles are on all sides, and how much effort it takes to climb them. The way I have heard praises from many people, many also comment the opposite, which I also hear."

He brought some references saying that people often do not feel the urge to complement others' good works, rather people are now more interested in spreading negativity.

"I haven't watched many of Chayanika's television productions, but I've seen quite a few, and I've even I have acted in a couple of projects as well. Over the time, I've gathered my own experiences and heard many people's opinions. I can confidently say that she is different, she has the ability to separate a person's faults from their virtues, and that's something special and appreciable."

He further went on stating that Chayanika has created a unique presence in the world of television drama. Her choice of stories and storytelling style are particularly liked by the audience.

Afzal Hossain shared, "Chayanika dreamed of making films. She loves to dream one after another, and her dreams do come true. Her directorial debut film, 'Bishwoshundori', has received much praise and has also been commercially successful. Congratulations to Chayanika for her achievements," he wrote.

"I watched Chayanika's second movie 'Prohelika', at the premiere. Everyone who attended was very excited. There's a lot to say about what we liked. Some feel really great, and there are also discussions about the few rough edges, but all agree that Chayanika has achieved something special."

"The courage to make commercial films based on such subject matter and stories is truly special. Chayanika has taken on this challenge and has successfully received everyone's appreciation and her film 'Prohelika' got released during Eid. The audience was thrilled with this new form of storytelling in cinema. Such successes and achievements are something Chayanika continuously strives for."

Afzal mentioned that he praises her from his heart, and that he hasn't got the chance to say it out loud to the director. "I'm saying it today. It's only right to feel proud of her success. She hasn't struggled to conform or compromise; she has fought for her self-esteem and walked her path. You know, in this society, no matter how much a girl fights, no matter how much she achieves, she will only encounter dust instead of success. She won't fly, only the dust of people's footsteps will rise – as if she has lost her way and stopped in her tracks."

Afzal Hossain concluded the post writing, "Foolish people don't know that the person who overcomes a hundred obstacles with determination will move forward with both sorrow and joy. Salute once again to Chayanika - move forward, even more."


সরকারের প্রথম অধ্যায় শেষ, দ্বিতীয় পর্ব শুরু: ড. ইউনূস

অন্তর্বর্তী সরকারের প্রথম অধ্যায় শেষ হয়ে রাজনৈতিক সংলাপের মাধ্যমে দ্বিতীয় পর্ব শুরু হয়েছে বলে মন্তব্য করেছেন প্রধান উপদেষ্টা ড. মুহাম্মদ ইউনূস।

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