TV & Film

Piracy can’t stop ‘Shurongo’: Tama Mirza

Piracy can’t stop ‘Shurongo’: Tama Mirza
Photos: Sheikh Mehedi Morshed.

Tama Mirza is on cloud nine with the thunderous response to "Shurongo". Even in its sixth week, the film is running successfully across theatres. It is also doing well in Kolkata, USA and Canada. The actor plays Moyna, whose obsession with money and wealth leads to her downfall.

Piracy can’t stop ‘Shurongo’: Tama Mirza
Photo: Collected.

Do you think piracy could stop 'Shurongo' from reaching audiences?

No amount of piracy could stop "Shurongo" from reaching people's heart. People are still watching the film, and it is still going houseful across a few halls in the country. "Shurongo" is the biggest proof that nobody can hurt a good film by illegally releasing it on social media.

Piracy can’t stop ‘Shurongo’: Tama Mirza

When are you returning to shooting?

I am hoping to start filming again in November. By September, I will begin my grooming session for film and OTT. Throughout the grooming process, I will thoroughly immerse myself in the role so that I can give my all. After I start filming, my schedule will be jam-packed with OTT and film projects from November through June. I will reveal details about the project soon.

What has 'Shurongo' given you?

"Shurongo" has afforded me the love of the people. The amount of love people has showered on the film and Moyna-Masud, is really commendable. Moyna is such a complex character and I was really overwhelmed while portraying it on the big-screen. People have started calling me as Moyna, and nothing beats that feeling. I am forever grateful for such appreciation.

Piracy can’t stop ‘Shurongo’: Tama Mirza

Your film still running successfully in theatres in its sixth week.

This is such a huge achievement for Bengali cinema. Our film running successfully in its sixth week just proves how good content always pulls audiences to theatres.

Also, the fact that it has been named the top release of Star Cineplex is also wonderful news for us. Bangladeshi films have outperformed big-budget Hollywood films in the month of July. The future looks great for Bengali films in general.


Piracy can’t stop ‘Shurongo’: Tama Mirza

Piracy can’t stop ‘Shurongo’: Tama Mirza
Photos: Sheikh Mehedi Morshed.

Tama Mirza is on cloud nine with the thunderous response to "Shurongo". Even in its sixth week, the film is running successfully across theatres. It is also doing well in Kolkata, USA and Canada. The actor plays Moyna, whose obsession with money and wealth leads to her downfall.

Piracy can’t stop ‘Shurongo’: Tama Mirza
Photo: Collected.

Do you think piracy could stop 'Shurongo' from reaching audiences?

No amount of piracy could stop "Shurongo" from reaching people's heart. People are still watching the film, and it is still going houseful across a few halls in the country. "Shurongo" is the biggest proof that nobody can hurt a good film by illegally releasing it on social media.

Piracy can’t stop ‘Shurongo’: Tama Mirza

When are you returning to shooting?

I am hoping to start filming again in November. By September, I will begin my grooming session for film and OTT. Throughout the grooming process, I will thoroughly immerse myself in the role so that I can give my all. After I start filming, my schedule will be jam-packed with OTT and film projects from November through June. I will reveal details about the project soon.

What has 'Shurongo' given you?

"Shurongo" has afforded me the love of the people. The amount of love people has showered on the film and Moyna-Masud, is really commendable. Moyna is such a complex character and I was really overwhelmed while portraying it on the big-screen. People have started calling me as Moyna, and nothing beats that feeling. I am forever grateful for such appreciation.

Piracy can’t stop ‘Shurongo’: Tama Mirza

Your film still running successfully in theatres in its sixth week.

This is such a huge achievement for Bengali cinema. Our film running successfully in its sixth week just proves how good content always pulls audiences to theatres.

Also, the fact that it has been named the top release of Star Cineplex is also wonderful news for us. Bangladeshi films have outperformed big-budget Hollywood films in the month of July. The future looks great for Bengali films in general.


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