On working with Afran Nisho for the second time, the “Friday” actress shared, “Nisho bhai is an exceptional actor. Everyone knows about his acting prowess. As a person, he’s equally wonderful. We received a very positive response for ‘Surongo’, and I’m hopeful about ‘Daagi’ as well.”
Tama Mirza and Afran Nisho notably collaborated for the first time in the hit “Surongo”. Now, the duo is set to reunite in the upcoming movie “Daagi”.
Amidst the roar of a storm and the deafening noise, he made his grand entrance! As the helicopter door swung open and he stepped out, many had already begun to piece together who it might be. The sight of his signature tied-up hair left no room for speculation. This is how Afran Nisho, the beloved ‘Boss’ of his fans, made a dramatic debut in the official announcement video for his new movie.
Actors Tama Mirza and Afran Nisho are set to reunite in director Shihab Shaheen's upcoming movie “Dagi”.
Tama Mirza has been honoured with the National Film Award for her performance in the movie Nodijon. She has garnered audience acclaim through both OTT platforms and films. Her role in the recent movie Surongo earned her significant praise, and she has maintained her success with performances in several web films.
Tama Mirza and Raihan Rafi have delivered hits when they worked together, starting with the web film "Khachar Bhitor Ochin Pakhi" and continuing with the commercial movie "Shurongo". Many movie enthusiasts assumed that the National Award-winning actress would appear in Raihan Rafi’s blockbuster film "Toofan".
BFAA President Misha Sawdagar mediated a resolution between the two artistes at the association’s office, which led to both actresses agreeing to settle their differences amicably.
The notice demands that Tama retract her original notice, apologise publicly, and pay Tk 20 crore in damages within three days, or face civil and criminal legal action.
The videos, titled "Misty Zannat Takes a Jab at Tama Mirza" and "Tama Mirza Became an Actress by Sucking Up: Zannat," are claimed to have damaged Tama Mirza's reputation amongst journalists and the public.
On working with Afran Nisho for the second time, the “Friday” actress shared, “Nisho bhai is an exceptional actor. Everyone knows about his acting prowess. As a person, he’s equally wonderful. We received a very positive response for ‘Surongo’, and I’m hopeful about ‘Daagi’ as well.”
Tama Mirza and Afran Nisho notably collaborated for the first time in the hit “Surongo”. Now, the duo is set to reunite in the upcoming movie “Daagi”.
Amidst the roar of a storm and the deafening noise, he made his grand entrance! As the helicopter door swung open and he stepped out, many had already begun to piece together who it might be. The sight of his signature tied-up hair left no room for speculation. This is how Afran Nisho, the beloved ‘Boss’ of his fans, made a dramatic debut in the official announcement video for his new movie.
Actors Tama Mirza and Afran Nisho are set to reunite in director Shihab Shaheen's upcoming movie “Dagi”.
Tama Mirza has been honoured with the National Film Award for her performance in the movie Nodijon. She has garnered audience acclaim through both OTT platforms and films. Her role in the recent movie Surongo earned her significant praise, and she has maintained her success with performances in several web films.
Tama Mirza and Raihan Rafi have delivered hits when they worked together, starting with the web film "Khachar Bhitor Ochin Pakhi" and continuing with the commercial movie "Shurongo". Many movie enthusiasts assumed that the National Award-winning actress would appear in Raihan Rafi’s blockbuster film "Toofan".
BFAA President Misha Sawdagar mediated a resolution between the two artistes at the association’s office, which led to both actresses agreeing to settle their differences amicably.
The notice demands that Tama retract her original notice, apologise publicly, and pay Tk 20 crore in damages within three days, or face civil and criminal legal action.
The videos, titled "Misty Zannat Takes a Jab at Tama Mirza" and "Tama Mirza Became an Actress by Sucking Up: Zannat," are claimed to have damaged Tama Mirza's reputation amongst journalists and the public.
In an industry spotlighting talent and storytelling, recent controversies have cast a harsh light on a persistent issue: colourism in casting. The latest uproar emerged when photos of popular actress Sabila Nur surfaced, displaying her intentionally darkened complexion for an upcoming drama, "Bidisha", which is slated to be released today, on the occasion of International Women’s Day. Ironically, this deliberate alteration of the skin complex for the role contradicts the very essence of celebrating this day, sparking a crucial debate over the representation of skin complexion and societal standards.