Tanjin Tisha, Tawsif Mahbub, and others serve meals to flood victims in shelters

Even though the floodwaters in the flood-affected regions of Bangladesh have begun to recede, many areas in Lakshmipur and Feni are far from returning to normal. The flood victims continue to face numerous challenges. More recently, actors Tawsif Mahbub and Tanjin Tisha came forward to help the villagers who have been affected by the flood.
Accompanying them were director Anonno Emon, Imroz Shawon, and the drama production company CMV. Together, they organised a relief effort, feeding an entire village in the Dighli Union of Chandraganj, Lakshmipur.

Last Tuesday afternoon, Tawsif and Tisha personally visited the area, preparing and serving roasted chicken and khichuri to the villagers. Earlier, Tawsif had sent relief supplies during the flood, this time he wanted to be present in person.
Tawsif told Channel i online, "Even after the floodwaters receding, the situation remains dire. Not many people come to help during this phase, and the spread of diseases becomes more prevalent. I felt it was important to go to the flood victims to help them at this time."
He proposed to CMV that instead of offering assistance during the height of the flood, as most people do, they should wait a while and then personally visit to support the flood victims.

Director Anonno Emon shared that the flood victims likely hadn't received substantial meals, so they prepared food and served over 1,500 people across five shelters.
He arranged for cooking on the grounds of a shelter at Dighali Bazar, aiming to ensure that people were well-fed even during such difficult times. Additionally, he noted that relief efforts have lessened compared to earlier.