

Repeat MRI scans for pituitary microadenomas may be unnecessary: study suggests

Autopsy and imaging studies have shown that around 10% of adults may have pituitary microadenomas, which are small growths in the pituitary gland. These growths are often found incidentally during an MRI scan and are usually less than 10mm in size.

1y ago

Magic mushroom shows promise as depression treatment: Study

The main psychoactive ingredient found in magic mushrooms can significantly reduce symptoms of difficult-to-treat depression, data from the largest clinical trial ever to test the keenly-watched compound has found.

2y ago

Typhoid-causing bacteria have become increasingly resistant to essential antibiotics and have spread widely over past 30 years

According to a study in The Lancet Microbe, Typhoid-causing bacteria are becoming resistant to necessary antibiotics.

2y ago

A person’s height impacts their risk of multiple diseases

Tall stature increases the risk of peripheral neuropathy and skin and bone infections. According to a new study performed at the Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center in the U.S., a person’s height raises their risk for a variety of diseases.

2y ago

WorldFish-invented ‘G-3’ Rohu grows about 30 per cent more than conventional one

Preliminary results from an experimental farm have shown that the ‘third generation’ or G-3 Rohu invented by WorldFish grows about 30 per cent more than the conventional Rohu fish - says a press release.

2y ago

Salmonella vaccine for poultry contributed to rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

According to a new study recently published in the journal PLOS Genetics, resistant strains in Brazil find that exported poultry rarely causes disease in the UK. In addition, an investigation into the evolution of Salmonella bacteria infecting Brazilian poultry shows that the introduction of a Salmonella vaccine, combined with increasing antibiotic usage by Brazilian farmers, has led to the rise of antibiotic-resistant strains that are less likely to cause human disease.

2y ago

Did you know? / While the fetal clock develops, mom’s behaviour tells the time

During foetal development, before the biological clock starts ticking on its own, genes respond to rhythmic behaviour in the mother.

2y ago

The threat of untreatable gonorrhoea could be tackled using an existing meningitis vaccine

According to findings from a study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal, meningitis vaccines could help improve protection against gonorrhoea amid rising cases globally and increase bacterial resistance to drugs used to treat the infection.

2y ago

Glaucoma 3rd biggest cause of blindness

Globally 60 million people in both developed and developing countries are affected by a group of eye diseases called glaucoma.

9y ago

A trailblazer in cancer treatment

Brain drain remains a global problem, especially for many developing countries including Bangladesh. Lured by better pay and benifits

9y ago

Regular coffee drinkers have 'cleaner' arteries

Drinking a few cups of coffee a day may help people avoid clogged arteries - a known risk factor for heart disease

9y ago

The blind breast cancer detectors

Research suggests blind people can in fact detect tumours earlier than their sighted counterparts

9y ago

King Richard III: Fatal blow to skull found

Pathologists at the University of Leicester believe they may have found the killer blow that claimed the life of King Richard III

9y ago