The voice of harmony
One of the major factors for a healing environment is our voice expressions. Bad speaking habit will obstruct to make a healthy lifestyle from a young age. It is said that 90 per cent of life's friction is due to the tone of voice. Verbal abuse (blaming, shaming and shouting) triggers domestic violence as well. This proves absence of love and trust.
But if these frictions are not dealt with in a healthy way, it can have a significant effect on your daily lifestyle and mental well-being. If you are angry, practice to tell people that 'you are feeling angry and explain why' — but softly and clearly. Talking softly, on the other hand is harmonising to develop qualities like a listening attitude and looking inwards.
When you speak loudly, your body feels tired and your thoughts are less focused. Our bodies are designed to handle calm situations and also exciting ones. By shouting you are provoking other people to get excited. As if when you are shouting, you are saying 'why don't you say something!' and others' brain is shouting back either with loud voice or stressed voice (in case of subordinates and small children).
In fact when you are in the middle of something scary or challenging, your calmness and low pitched voice can handle the situation much better. Well if it is involuntary and unintentional and you are suffering from voice problems or mental illnesses. Please consult a doctor for determining whether you need to be referred to an ENT specialist or Psychiatrist for further diagnosis and treatment.
Otherwise please follow the following points to make the life peaceful and enjoyable for everyone:
- Do not whisper or speak too loudly and pause appropriately
- Have sufficient night-sleep and keep a light mood — not 'hyper'
- Make requests rather than demands or 'taken for granted'
- Good communication can help you get your point across
- If someone provokes/upsets you — react keenly after 24-48 ours
Let's end this article with a 'Quranic verse': "Be moderate in your speed, and lower your voice, for the harshest of sounds without doubt is the braying of an ass".