

Combating non-communicable diseases / Stringent tobacco control a crying need

Speakers comprising health experts and physicians yesterday called for stringent control on use of tobacco products in order to combat the alarming rise of non-communicable diseases.

17h ago

World leaders commit to decisive action on AMR

Globl leaders have approved a political declaration at the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), committing to targets including a 10% reduction in the estimated 4.95 million deaths associated with bacterial AMR by 2030.

18h ago

Navigating the postpartum journey

The postpartum period, often considered the first six weeks after childbirth, is a transformative time filled with physical and emotional changes as new mothers adjust to life with their newborns. While this period can feel overwhelming, it is important to recognise that every woman’s experience

18h ago

Does my medical condition affect my anger?

Experiencing anger is a natural part of being human, but frequent and intense outbursts can harm both your health and relationships. Understanding the possible underlying medical reasons for your anger can help you address the issue effectively. .Dementia and anger .Various forms of

18h ago

Unlocking the Sun’s potential: How daylight influences physical activity and mood in depression

Seasonal changes can significantly impact mood, especially for individuals with mood disorders like major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Many people notice their symptoms worsen during darker, shorter days, but the precise reasons for this have long been unclear.

18h ago

World Rabies Day: A call to action

Every year on September 28, the world observes World Rabies Day, a vital occasion aimed at raising awareness about the prevention of rabies and highlighting progress in combating this deadly disease.

19h ago

Untreated hypertension increases dementia risk

Dementia is one of the most feared outcomes of ageing, affecting millions of individuals and their families worldwide. While genetics and age play significant roles, other modifiable risk factors have garnered attention, particularly hypertension. For years, researchers have explored the complex relationship between high blood pressure and cognitive decline, increasingly recognising hypertension as a major contributor to dementia risk.

19h ago

More than 39 million deaths from antibiotic-resistant infections estimated between now and 2050, suggests first global analysis

More than 39 million deaths from antibiotic-resistant infections could occur by 2050, according to the first global analysis of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) trends.

1w ago

45 percent women malnourished

Nearly half of the country’s women suffer from malnutrition, with the majority of them being overweight, according to a recent study.

7m ago

A chance for young hearts to beat

Twelve-year-old Yamin Sheikh was born with a heart defect that has only worsened over time. His father Md Motiar Rahman Sheikh, a landless day labourer from Bagerhat, could not afford proper treatment for his little one.

7m ago

Birganj Health Complex in Dinajpur: X-ray room locked for 8 months

Patients at Birganj Upazila Health Complex in Dinajpur have been suffering for the last eight months as the X-ray service of the medical centre remains suspended following retirement of its only radiographer.

8m ago

Protest staged as patient dies of 'negligence' in Dinajpur

Family members and relatives demonstrated at Phulbari Upazila Health Complex in Dinajpur today following the death of a patient due to alleged doctors' negligence

8m ago

Understanding changes in sleep as we age

As we grow older, our sleep patterns tend to shift, and nearly half of individuals aged 65 and above report experiencing at least one sleep-related issue.

8m ago

CPR in cardiac arrest

Research shows that about 9 in 10 people who fall victim to cardiac arrest outside the hospital die. Unfortunately, most people who experience cardiac arrests at home or outside the hospital do not get the help they need from family members or bystanders before the arrival of professional medical services.

8m ago

Pathological liar - Part 1

A lie leads a person from a garden to a forest, and eventually into a jungle. Some people tell lies with such regularity that dishonesty comes to be seen as a defining characteristic of their personality. These habitual or chronic liars are known as pathological liars.

8m ago

Neuroticism may impact your health!

In the 1979 comedy Manhattan, neurotic characters like Isaac, played by Woody Allen, humorously avoid expressing anger, opting to “grow a tumour instead.” While Hollywood often plays neuroticism for laughs, the real-life implications are substantial.

8m ago

JMI, Apollo to open clinic in Dhaka

Apollo Hospital Enterprise Limited, India's multinational hospital chain and JMI group of Bangladesh, is going to establish and operate Apollo Clinic in Dhaka by this year

8m ago