

End of the road for ‘The King’?

The Pinoy jeepney, fondly known as the “king of the road,” is about to step into the pages of history, pushed by the uncompromising situation created by the pandemic.

4y ago

The flying stuntman of Netrokona

The flying stuntman of Netrokona and his Maruti 800 on the wall of death.

4y ago

BMW M Track Days 2019

Through October 3rd to 7th, BMW owners and media personnel from around Asia were invited by BMW Group Asia to attend BMW M Track Days 2019 at Malaysia’s Sepang Formula 1 circuit. Over the course of four days, BMW owners and automotive journalists—typically used to street cars in their home countries—were treated to an experience worthy of the performance and prestige of BMW’s M Division and the ballistic missiles with tyres that are M cars.

5y ago

One Hummer, one Russian, one world tour

Meet Vladislav Sherengovskiy. He has been on the road for 45 countries so far and he’s looking to travel the rest of it in his yellow Hummer H2 (follow his road-trip on his Instagram @becauseiamyellow. In late August, he touched down in Bangladesh and last week, we caught up with him to have a chat.

5y ago

Electric Dreams: Owning a Tesla Model S P100D

The world is at the brink of critical system failure. If you don’t believe that, ask around. July was the hottest month ever recorded on

5y ago

From sport compact to compact utility

The Ford Puma is back! And…it’s a Compact Utility Vehicle, or a CUV. But why? Wasn’t it a slightly under-appreciated, technically

5y ago

VW Club Bangladesh celebrates Beetle Day

VW Club Bangladesh celebrates Beetle Day

5y ago

Spanners in the works—how labour unrests shaped the auto industry as we know it today

Since the early days of the automobile, the importance of skilled labour was readily understood by the pioneers of the industry and in most cases, exploited.

5y ago

Faruq's Vintage Classic Car Museum Display 2019

Faruq's Vintage Classic Car Museum Display 2019

5y ago

The Little Rover That Could: Mars Rover Opportunity

The Little Rover That Could: Mars Rover Opportunity

5y ago

A new standard of cool: Peugeot's design revolution

The world would be nowhere without the French. From painters to sculptors to ground-breaking monuments—they've excelled in every avenue.

6y ago

Mercedes Benz Heritage Meet

Mercedes Benz Classic Club, in collaboration with Mercedes Benz Bangladesh and Absolute Thai, held a "Mercedes Benz Heritage Meet" on 11th January 2019 at 100 Feet Road, Dhaka.

6y ago

People's cars Bangladesh edition

In this time of elections and democracy and people's choice, we got to thinking—what cars best represent the interest of the Bangladeshi car owner?

6y ago

Coolest taillights - the best reds you'll ever see on a car

Taillights are crucial to cool cars. After all, it's the last thing other people see as you drive off from a cloud of

6y ago

Dhaka's American steel

Dhaka doesn't get to see a lot of left hand drive American cars, but a few do make it to our shores somehow. This week we feature some of our spots.

6y ago

Netlfix's automotive reality TV: finally worth watching

Top Gear is nearly dead in the water and The Grand Tour is far off from a third season after a couple of lukewarm seasons.

6y ago

Retro racer resurgence

Recent times have seen a trend of retro inspired racers, each brand drawing on their glorious pasts in motorsport to create

6y ago

Mobil Karting Championship wraps up

More than 60 qualified racers battled it out at the Mobil Karting Championship final, held at Concord's Xtreme Racing go-kart track at

6y ago