Law & Our Rights

Law & Our Rights

Citizenship Law / Understanding Birthright Citizenship

The ban on the US birthright citizenship (jus soli-right of the soil) by the 47th President of the United States Donald Trump is perhaps one of the most discussed topics at this moment across the globe.

Intellectual Property Rights / Global South and the WIPO treaty on genetic resources and traditional knowledge

A long-awaited intellectual property treaty relating to ‘Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge’ was adopted on 24 May 2024at a diplomatic conference by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation).

Law Advocacy / Need for Medical Negligence Law

One year back, on 19 February 2024, the death of Raahib Reza due to a sudden cardiac arrest, at the capital’s Labaid Hospital, Dhanmondi, shocked the country.

Accession to the Enforced Disappearance Convention Ending Impunity?

In recent years, enforced disappearance has emerged as a grave concern in Bangladesh because many such incidents have gone unpunished in the absence of any law to criminalise it.

4m ago

The state of mob justice in Bangladesh

Mob justice, also known as vigilante justice, involves a group of people taking the law into their own hands, meting out punishment through violence.

5m ago

Electoral inclusion of Persons with Disabilities

According to the National Survey on Persons with Disabilities (NSPD) 2021 by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the percentage of disability is higher among adult people than among children in Bangladesh.

5m ago

A case against Article 7B of our Constitution

The Constitution of Bangladesh is the highest law of the land. As stated in the preamble and Article 7, our Constitution has been framed to uphold the “solemn expression of the will of the people”.

5m ago

DU Law organises public lecture on “Do We Need a New Constitution?”

The Department of Law, University of Dhaka organised a public lecture titled “Do We Need a New Constitution?”

5m ago

Privacy concerns over phone searches

During the quota reform movement in July and early August, reports emerged of police conducting unjustified phone searches and making arrests.

5m ago

People’s understanding of ‘Law’ during the uprise: A sociolegal analysis

The July uprising marks a significant event for our national history not only as a moment of political introspection, but also in terms of appreciating people’s perception and understanding of law as a lived experience.

5m ago

A critical look into our Ombudsman law

‘Ombudsman’ is a Swedish term meaning ‘representative of the people’. The Swedish parliamentary Ombudsman was instituted in 1809.

5m ago

Rethinking our parliamentary accountability

Bangladesh is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional mandate for responsible government. Responsible government is a conception of a system that embodies the principle of parliamentary accountability.

5m ago

Bangladesh’s Interim Government: What should be its tenure?

How long can the Bangladesh Interim Government (BIG) led by Dr. Muhammad Yunus, stay in office? Several political parties, including BNP, have demanded that the 13th parliamentary elections be held as soon as possible, preferably within three months. This political attitude is nothing to be surprised about.

5m ago