Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness

Why hit the gym when you can dance? Zumba takes over Bangladesh

Imagine entering a room where vibrant Latin beats, Bollywood tunes, and Arabic rhythms create an electrifying atmosphere. As the music plays, the space transforms into a dynamic dance floor. This is not just any dance party, it’s a Zumba class! An exercise increasingly gaining popularity across Bangladesh.

11h ago

Free classes, no flexibility required! A banker’s unlikely yoga mission

As the soft rays of the sun peek through the trees at Dhanmondi Lake, a group of women spread their yoga mats. Md Rokanuzzaman Tutul, their instructor, fusses over the arrangement of mats, ensuring ample space is available for effective movement. This is the usual scenario you may encounter if you happen to visit Dhanmondi Lake on a fine morning.

1w ago

Feeling flu-ish? These foods will have you back on your feet in no time

A weakened immune system makes you more susceptible to colds and the flu, but with the right habits and dietary choices, you can bolster your defence. Adequate rest, reduced stress, and healthy meals play a crucial role in recovery.

2w ago

Dhaka Flow’s grand opening: Finally, a place to heal your mind, body, and spirit

Dhaka Flow inaugurated its Health & Healing Studio on 7 September, 2024, in Banani, through a lively event, introducing a new hub for wellness that aims to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of its visitors.

2w ago

Eat, sleep, move, repeat: The lazy person’s guide to cardiac health

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the idea of changing your lifestyle drastically for the sake of your cardiac health. However, the path to improved cardiac wellbeing is often made up of tiny, consistent steps.

1m ago

Reiki: The ancient art of waving away your worries

The roots of Reiki trace back to Japan, but its branches have spread worldwide, touching the lives of many seeking holistic wellness.

1m ago

Youth wellbeing: More than just a trendy hashtag

Physical wellbeing and mental wellbeing are inextricably linked. To empower our youth with the knowledge and skills needed to be healthy in mind, body and spirit, a systems approach must be adopted.

1m ago

Monkeypox outbreak: Just when you thought it was safe to go outside

Here’s all you need to know about Monkeypox, from its effects to ways in which you and your family can stay safe and happy.

1m ago

Understanding self-harm: A cry for help, not attention

Self-harm is a complex and often misunderstood behaviour that refers to the act of deliberately hurting oneself, typically by cutting, burning, or hitting one's own body. Although it is often associated with adolescents and young adults, self-harm can also be observed in older people. Unfortunately, despite the prevalence of self-harm in almost every part of our society, it remains shrouded in stigma.

1y ago

How to know your cholesterol is high

Between oily iftar items and the other delicious delicacies throughout the month of Ramadan, it will be very easy for some of us to delve into our favourite items and just let go. However, we must keep our cholesterol in check. High cholesterol is a fairly common problem and although most people face it in their 40s, the prevalence of high cholesterol level among individuals in their 20s and 30s is on the rise.

1y ago

How to quit smoking this Ramadan

A person who is trying to give up smoking may find that participating in activities throughout the month of Ramadan, such as visiting relatives, helping with the preparation of iftar or seheri meals, and praying helps keep them busy and provides assistance in doing so. Moreover, people may lessen their desire to smoke by taking measures like engaging in physical activities such as walking after iftar, consuming a large quantity of water after iftar, and avoiding the company of other individuals who smoke.

1y ago

Top 5 health benefits of fasting in Ramadan

Fasting during Ramadan has numerous health benefits in addition to observing one’s religious and spiritual obligations. Fasting in Ramadan highlights how giving your body a break from eating can lead you to being healthy. By approaching fasting with mindfulness and intention, both physical and spiritual benefits can be attained in this holy month. So, let’s take a look at the top 5 health benefits of fasting during Ramadan.

1y ago

Changing your food habits and lifestyle for a healthy body

The food you put in your system will have an impact on your organs, bones, brain, and cells. Scientific research states that on average an adult loses over 300 billion cells every day and the only way to replace those cells is through the food we eat, which acts as fuel for us to replenish those lost cells. When we eat toxic, less nutritional food our bodies stop manufacturing new healthy cells. Also, regular indulgence in processed food fills our system with chemicals and toxins that affect our organ’s resilience. When we eat healthy it replenishes our body internally and we see the results of having more energy, and more spontaneity in our daily life.

1y ago

12 foods that unclog arteries

Clogged arteries are the first step towards coronary diseases. A poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity and smoking, among plenty of other factors, can all cause poor heart health. A healthy heart ensures a long, healthy life and here are 12 foods to incorporate into your life that can help with achieving that.

1y ago

Signs of depression in children

Children, at every age, are trying to navigate emotions bigger than themselves and it is not unusual for them to feel down and washed out from time to time. However, when the feeling is very intense and continues for a long time, particularly in a way that impacts a child’s social, family or school life, it may be worth probing into.

1y ago

Musculoskeletal Disorders: signs and symptoms to lookout for

To say that neck and back pain are minor speed bumps in the process of ageing would be quite an understatement. Rheumatoid illnesses pack a cocktail of conditions that start off with one area of the body and gradually spill onto other parts, thus impacting our functionality and eventually productivity.

1y ago

7 yoga positions that boost hair growth

Hair loss or thinning can be a frustrating stressful experience for everyone. While there are many treatments and products available to help promote hair growth, yoga can also be a natural and effective way to boost hair growth. Yoga not only helps reduce stress, which can contribute to hair loss but also increases blood circulation and oxygen flow to the scalp that promotes hair growth.

1y ago

Dos and don’ts of menstrual health and hygiene

Many women nowadays have to work outside of their homes for extended periods of time, often without access to appropriate washroom facilities. This can be difficult to manage when it comes to menstruation. This challenging scenario demands a sanitary napkin that can provide reliable protection for at least 12 hours, allowing them to go about their daily lives without worrying about leakage or discomfort. Finding an appropriate product can be essential to ensure that women can be productive and confident at work.

1y ago