
Stop putting it off: 5 procrastination-busting tips you need now!

Stop putting it off: 5 procrastination-busting tips you need now!
Illustration: LS

The majority of people tend to procrastinate. In truth, I procrastinated writing this article for a while. At some point, we have all been there. However, regular procrastination may eventually lead to massive failures. But have no fear! It is possible to regain some measure of mastery over one's life by practicing self-awareness and self-care. For those of you who have hit a wall due to procrastination, here are five ways to overcome it and resume your full productivity.

The Nothing Alternative

"The Nothing Alternative" is a way to stop procrastinating created by the famous crime writer Raymond Chandler, which helped him avoid delaying everyday writing. Every morning, he gave himself four hours to write or do NOTHING! Nothing meant, no further action was permitted at all aside from writing. He could walk around his room but still do nothing. Considering these two possibilities, you will inevitably begin working, if for no other reason than to stave off boredom! So, following this approach will lessen your procrastination if you give yourself time to either do nothing or focus on the ONE thing that is most important to you.

Reduce your decisions

Every choice we make impacts our energy use. Mornings when you question, "What do I have to get done today?" lead to procrastination. Thus, establish choices ahead of time or form routines in specific parts of your life to improve your efficiency and avoid wasting energy on deciding whether to do things or not. For instance, plan out your workouts for the week in advance, select your outfit to wear the next day the night before instead of in the morning, and choose the most essential task for tomorrow to set aside time to do it.

Get an accountability buddy

Helping you achieve your objectives without procrastination may be made easier with friends, partners, or co-workers in the form of an accountability buddy. It would help if you had them check in on what you are doing to keep you responsible. When someone keeps tabs on your work, you are far more likely to get things done and meet your deadlines. For those of you who want additional motivation to finish a job, an accountability partner might provide a reward as a means of holding you to your word when you finish the task in time.

Stop putting it off: 5 procrastination-busting tips you need now!
Illustration: LS

Disconnect from distractions

When a job seems too big to do all at once, some individuals get distracted and procrastinate. If you easily get side-tracked, try to disconnect as much as you can. If you know Facebook or Instagram will distract you from work, log out of them. If you often check your messages instead of working, set your phone on do-not-disturb. Force yourself to allocate a block of time to a task and establish deadlines or a procedure. Then, find little methods to ignore distractions. Disconnecting helps you concentrate, and you improve your chances of success.

Work with a coach

Overcoming procrastination is much easier when working with a coach one-on-one. In times of crisis, rely on a coach for guidance to help you go through your thoughts and avoid procrastination. Coaching can be compassionate and patient. These coaches will provide strategies to boost your self-assurance and inspire you to stay committed, ensuring that you complete your assigned tasks on time. Additionally, you and your coach can work together to create objectives that will lead to your preferred results.


Stop putting it off: 5 procrastination-busting tips you need now!

Stop putting it off: 5 procrastination-busting tips you need now!
Illustration: LS

The majority of people tend to procrastinate. In truth, I procrastinated writing this article for a while. At some point, we have all been there. However, regular procrastination may eventually lead to massive failures. But have no fear! It is possible to regain some measure of mastery over one's life by practicing self-awareness and self-care. For those of you who have hit a wall due to procrastination, here are five ways to overcome it and resume your full productivity.

The Nothing Alternative

"The Nothing Alternative" is a way to stop procrastinating created by the famous crime writer Raymond Chandler, which helped him avoid delaying everyday writing. Every morning, he gave himself four hours to write or do NOTHING! Nothing meant, no further action was permitted at all aside from writing. He could walk around his room but still do nothing. Considering these two possibilities, you will inevitably begin working, if for no other reason than to stave off boredom! So, following this approach will lessen your procrastination if you give yourself time to either do nothing or focus on the ONE thing that is most important to you.

Reduce your decisions

Every choice we make impacts our energy use. Mornings when you question, "What do I have to get done today?" lead to procrastination. Thus, establish choices ahead of time or form routines in specific parts of your life to improve your efficiency and avoid wasting energy on deciding whether to do things or not. For instance, plan out your workouts for the week in advance, select your outfit to wear the next day the night before instead of in the morning, and choose the most essential task for tomorrow to set aside time to do it.

Get an accountability buddy

Helping you achieve your objectives without procrastination may be made easier with friends, partners, or co-workers in the form of an accountability buddy. It would help if you had them check in on what you are doing to keep you responsible. When someone keeps tabs on your work, you are far more likely to get things done and meet your deadlines. For those of you who want additional motivation to finish a job, an accountability partner might provide a reward as a means of holding you to your word when you finish the task in time.

Stop putting it off: 5 procrastination-busting tips you need now!
Illustration: LS

Disconnect from distractions

When a job seems too big to do all at once, some individuals get distracted and procrastinate. If you easily get side-tracked, try to disconnect as much as you can. If you know Facebook or Instagram will distract you from work, log out of them. If you often check your messages instead of working, set your phone on do-not-disturb. Force yourself to allocate a block of time to a task and establish deadlines or a procedure. Then, find little methods to ignore distractions. Disconnecting helps you concentrate, and you improve your chances of success.

Work with a coach

Overcoming procrastination is much easier when working with a coach one-on-one. In times of crisis, rely on a coach for guidance to help you go through your thoughts and avoid procrastination. Coaching can be compassionate and patient. These coaches will provide strategies to boost your self-assurance and inspire you to stay committed, ensuring that you complete your assigned tasks on time. Additionally, you and your coach can work together to create objectives that will lead to your preferred results.


আদানি পাওয়ার, বাংলাদেশ বিদ্যুৎ উন্নয়ন বোর্ড, এপিজেএল, বিদ্যুৎ, পাওয়ার গ্রিড বাংলাদেশ,

সারচার্জ এড়াতে জুনের মধ্যে বকেয়া পরিশোধ করুন: পিডিবিকে আদানির সতর্কবার্তা

‘পিডিবি ও এপিজেএল উভয়ের স্বার্থে উপরোক্ত প্রস্তাবটি বিবেচনা করতে এবং উল্লিখিত পদ্ধতিতে বকেয়া অর্থ পরিশোধ করতে আমরা পিডিবিকে অনুরোধ জানাই।’

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