Life & Living

Bangabandhu 2021: The first FIAP recognised virtual international stamp exhibition

Photo: Bangladesh Philatelic Federation

For several decades, Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP) has been holding the largest philatelic exhibitions in Asia, but since the onset of the pandemic it came to a standstill. However, for the first time ever, it was held virtually with Bangladesh Philatelic Federation (BPF) as the organiser. This is also the first time Bangladesh hosted a stamp exhibition on such a large scale in the international arena.

In order to celebrate the golden jubilee of our Independence along with the celebration of the birth centenary of the Father of the Nation to an extended year, the event was titled — Bangabandhu 2021.

"This is a milestone for Bangladesh as we were able to host such a grand international stamp exhibition for the first time! This opportunity was given to us because we were technologically ready," said Mohammed Monirul Islam, Exhibition Coordinator at Bangabandhu 2021 and Director of International Affairs at BPF.

The exhibition was inaugurated virtually on December 10 by Mustafa Jabbar, Minister, Post and Telecommunications, the Government of Bangladesh, with Md Khalilur Rahman, Post and Telecommunications Secretary as the special guest. Alongside, Dr Prokob Chirakiti, President of FIAP and Professor Dr Kazi Shariful Alam, President of BPF were also present during the event.

The exhibition shall run till 30 December, 2021.    

Apart from the 17 countries that participated from Asia, an additional four being Canada, Portugal, Spain, and Guatemala, also took part. The jury committee comprised 21 jurors across 16 countries and the certificates and awards given are all internationally recognised.

Among the 160 exhibits representing around 560 frames, there were some that stood out from Bangladesh. The exhibit, Post Liberation Provisional Issues of Bangladesh, that highlights stamps of the country right after the War of 1971 received a prestigious Large Vermeil award.

Another exhibit by A H M Faizur Rahman, who received a Large Silver award, featured Bangladesh stamps on the UNO. A striking exhibit by Shamsul Alam titled "Bangabandhu and Bangladesh" won another Large Silver award. This recollected history and Bangabandhu's pertinent role during our liberation.       

The philatelic scene of Bangladesh has made massive progress, especially in the last two years despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Bangabandhu 2021 being hosted by Bangladesh was indeed momentous for us that further attested the philatelic scene of our country.

Exhibition link:     


Bangabandhu 2021: The first FIAP recognised virtual international stamp exhibition

Photo: Bangladesh Philatelic Federation

For several decades, Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP) has been holding the largest philatelic exhibitions in Asia, but since the onset of the pandemic it came to a standstill. However, for the first time ever, it was held virtually with Bangladesh Philatelic Federation (BPF) as the organiser. This is also the first time Bangladesh hosted a stamp exhibition on such a large scale in the international arena.

In order to celebrate the golden jubilee of our Independence along with the celebration of the birth centenary of the Father of the Nation to an extended year, the event was titled — Bangabandhu 2021.

"This is a milestone for Bangladesh as we were able to host such a grand international stamp exhibition for the first time! This opportunity was given to us because we were technologically ready," said Mohammed Monirul Islam, Exhibition Coordinator at Bangabandhu 2021 and Director of International Affairs at BPF.

The exhibition was inaugurated virtually on December 10 by Mustafa Jabbar, Minister, Post and Telecommunications, the Government of Bangladesh, with Md Khalilur Rahman, Post and Telecommunications Secretary as the special guest. Alongside, Dr Prokob Chirakiti, President of FIAP and Professor Dr Kazi Shariful Alam, President of BPF were also present during the event.

The exhibition shall run till 30 December, 2021.    

Apart from the 17 countries that participated from Asia, an additional four being Canada, Portugal, Spain, and Guatemala, also took part. The jury committee comprised 21 jurors across 16 countries and the certificates and awards given are all internationally recognised.

Among the 160 exhibits representing around 560 frames, there were some that stood out from Bangladesh. The exhibit, Post Liberation Provisional Issues of Bangladesh, that highlights stamps of the country right after the War of 1971 received a prestigious Large Vermeil award.

Another exhibit by A H M Faizur Rahman, who received a Large Silver award, featured Bangladesh stamps on the UNO. A striking exhibit by Shamsul Alam titled "Bangabandhu and Bangladesh" won another Large Silver award. This recollected history and Bangabandhu's pertinent role during our liberation.       

The philatelic scene of Bangladesh has made massive progress, especially in the last two years despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Bangabandhu 2021 being hosted by Bangladesh was indeed momentous for us that further attested the philatelic scene of our country.

Exhibition link:     


সংহতির অভাব সরকারের সংস্কার প্রচেষ্টার গুরুত্বপূর্ণ চ্যালেঞ্জ: নাহিদ

সংহতির অভাব সরকারের সংস্কার প্রচেষ্টার একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ চ্যালেঞ্জ হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে বলে বাসসকে জানিয়েছেন তথ্য ও সম্প্রচার মন্ত্রণালয়ের উপদেষ্টা মো. নাহিদ ইসলাম।

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