Gitanjali Jewellers comes to Tokyo Square, Mohammadpur
Launched in 1996, Gitanjali Jewellers initially started as suppliers of exclusive diamond jewellery to some of the top retailers in the country. It was not until 2007 that Gitanjali launched their first retail outlet. The third showroom of Gitanjali Jewellers was recently inaugurated on 20 April, 2018 at the Tokyo Square, Japan Garden City, Mohammadpur.
As part of the inauguration, special discounts and offers are now available. Up to 19 May, every day clients have the opportunity to win exclusive diamond jewellery thorugh a lucky draw. There is also a 37 percent discount offer on selected products.
Essentials — Gitanjali Jewellers, Store #442, Level 4, Tokyo Square, Japan Garden City, Mohammadpur, Dhaka.
For more information, please call 01678737727