BREAKING FREE ... A painter puts finishing touches on the mural of a woman defiantly riding a motorcycle in a rural setting as her scarf and the sky become one and the same. The artwork at the TSC on Dhaka University campus is part of an exhibition by Brac with the theme of women leading social changes. It will conclude on February 2. Photo: Rashed Shumon
CATCH ME IF YOU CAN! … Two Red-Crested Pochards, a male and a female, playing a game of catch in Sunamganj’s Tanguar Haor. These ducks can be considered quite global as their breeding habitats extend from southern Europe and the Black Sea to Central Asia and Mongolia. They are considered partially migratory and prefer spending their winters in the Indian Subcontinent and Africa.
The escalator-equipped footbridge in front of the Dhaka airport used to be a relief for pedestrians, especially the elderly and the ones carrying heavy bags. However, the escalator broke almost two months ago and people now climb up and down the staircase. Photo: Palash Khan