Govt jobs: Jobseekers to pay extra for applying online

From now on, jobseekers have to pay commission and value-added tax on top of the application fee when applying for different government jobs online.
However, such VAT and commission will not be applicable if the application is submitted in person, as per a circular from the finance ministry yesterday.
The authorities will be able to receive the application fee through Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd, the notice said.
In such case, there will be a 10 percent commission on the application fee and a 15 percent VAT on the commission.
Previously, the 10 percent commission on the application fee was also effective but it was not collected from jobseekers; there was no VAT on commission either.
As per the revised circular, if an application fee is Tk 200 payable through Teletalk, then the jobseeker has to pay an additional Tk 20 as a 10 percent commission.
Besides, the jobseeker has to pay another Tk 3 as 15 percent VAT on the commission.
This means the jobseeker will have to pay an additional Tk 23 alongside the Tk 200 application fee.
The application fees for government jobs in different grades are unchanged.
Those are: Tk 600 for 9th grade and above (non-cadre), Tk 500 (10th grade), Tk 300 (11th to 12th grade), Tk 200 (13th to 16th grade) and Tk 100 (17th to 20th grade).