
After DU, JU teachers express concern over ‘interference’ by int’l community

More than 500 teachers of Jahangirnagar University (JU) have expressed their deep concern over the "unwanted interference" of international community centring the upcoming 12th national election.

Bangabandhu Teachers' Association of the university released a statement in this regard yesterday signed by its member secretary Bashir Ahmed, reports our JU correspondent.

The organisation congratulated the Election Commission on the timely declaration of the polls schedule.

The statement said the US ambassador violated protocol by calling for unconditional dialogue among parties on behalf of the US assistant secretary.

The statement also said, the letter again issued the threat of enforcing "visa policy". The US didn't mention anything about the violence and arson in the name of hartal-blockade programmes. Nor did they enforce any visa restrictions on them.

The statement added, "As citizens of a sovereign country, the people have the right to vote freely. Such actions by the US ambassador is a threat to the country's sovereignty and undermines its dignity."


After DU, JU teachers express concern over ‘interference’ by int’l community

More than 500 teachers of Jahangirnagar University (JU) have expressed their deep concern over the "unwanted interference" of international community centring the upcoming 12th national election.

Bangabandhu Teachers' Association of the university released a statement in this regard yesterday signed by its member secretary Bashir Ahmed, reports our JU correspondent.

The organisation congratulated the Election Commission on the timely declaration of the polls schedule.

The statement said the US ambassador violated protocol by calling for unconditional dialogue among parties on behalf of the US assistant secretary.

The statement also said, the letter again issued the threat of enforcing "visa policy". The US didn't mention anything about the violence and arson in the name of hartal-blockade programmes. Nor did they enforce any visa restrictions on them.

The statement added, "As citizens of a sovereign country, the people have the right to vote freely. Such actions by the US ambassador is a threat to the country's sovereignty and undermines its dignity."


মুরগির খাঁচাও এর থেকে বড় হয়, আয়নাঘর পরিদর্শনের পর ড. ইউনূস

আয়নাঘরে বেশ কয়েকটি খুপরি দেখা যায় যেখানে দিনের বেলাতেও আলো প্রবেশ করে না। নেই বাতাস চলাচলেরও কোনো ব্যবস্থা। এরকম একটি আয়নাঘর দেখে তাকে মুরগির খাঁচার সঙ্গে তুলনা করেন প্রধান উপদেষ্টা।

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