Half-day hartal: Left leaning parties on the road protesting price hike

Leaders and activists of nine left-leaning parties under the Left Democratic Alliance are observing a half-day hartal today across the country, protesting increase in prices of fuel, urea fertilizer and essential commodities.
In Dhaka, protesters have taken position at different intersections of Paltan area since 6am as part of their demonstration. Many shops and markets in the area remained closed till 9:30am, the time of filing of the report.

Additional police forces were seen patrolling the area during this time.
Supporters of the alliance were seen carrying placards and shouting slogans. Some of them were singing and writing slogans on the road. The protest caused traffic congestion in the area.

Police were also turning away many vehicles from Gulistan area to keep the situation under control.
The nine parties under the alliance are Bangladesher Samyabadi Andolan, Jatiya Mukta Council, Naya Ganatantrik Ganamorcha, Jatiya Gano Front, Ganomukti Union, BSD (Mahbub), Jatiya Ganatantrik Ganamancha., Socialist Party of Bangladesh, and Communist Union.
