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Electricity price hike will haunt both the people and the government

What impacts will the recent electricity price hike bring, in the context of the ongoing inflation? Is such a price hike even lawful? Will the increased price ensure fuel security for us? And what obstacles will the government itself face due to this decision? The Senior Vice-president of the Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB), Professor M Shamsul Alam, speaks to The Daily Star Opinion about all this and more.




Electricity price hike will haunt both the people and the government

What impacts will the recent electricity price hike bring, in the context of the ongoing inflation? Is such a price hike even lawful? Will the increased price ensure fuel security for us? And what obstacles will the government itself face due to this decision? The Senior Vice-president of the Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB), Professor M Shamsul Alam, speaks to The Daily Star Opinion about all this and more.




সস্তার আলু এখন অনেক চাষির গলার ফাঁস

বর্তমান পরিস্থিতি এমনই দাঁড়িয়েছে, খেত থেকে আলু তোলার সময় চাষিরা এখন আর মুনাফার কথা ভাবতে পারছেন না।

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