Next Step / Future-proofing your finances: Saving up the first paychecks

While your first paychecks might seem like a ticket to financial freedom, your current financial habits will impact your future. Instead of spending it all on a shopping spree, consider saving some of that money. Here's 'why' and 'how' you should go about saving up your first full-time paychecks.

2w ago

Next Step / Sustaining energy at work

To avoid fatigue and burnout during a 9 to 5 workday, it's important to be mindful of your work habits. Utilising these techniques can help maintain energy levels, which is crucial for both wellbeing and productivity.

2w ago

Next Step / Capitalising on market trends: the secret sauce to success

Nvidia's recent meteoric rise provides a compelling example of the power of capitalising on current market trends. Let’s take a look at how capitalising on market trends can be the secret sauce to your startup’s success.

3w ago

Free Google courses to level up your AI skills

Here is a quick list of some introductory-level, free courses you can take in Google's Cloud Skill Boost platform to improve your knowledge and understanding of AI and the subject's many principles.

1m ago

Next Step / Why tech workers must reskill, upskill in the age of AI

In the rapidly evolving technological landscape of modern AI, the need for reskilling and upskilling has become paramount. As AI continues to advance, it is essential for tech workers to embrace continuous learning to remain relevant and competitive. 

1m ago

Next Step / Top tips for data protection in the workplace

In today’s digital age, safeguarding personal data at the workplace is more crucial than ever. With the increasing threat of cyberattacks and stringent data protection regulations, businesses must adopt comprehensive measures to protect sensitive information.

1m ago

Next Step / Mentorship 101: 5 key tips for new mentors

Whether professionally or academically, if you're a new mentor struggling to get your feet off the ground, here are five things to keep in mind to step up your mentorship game.

1m ago

Next Step / 5 most in-demand soft skills for today's job market

As workplaces constantly transform in the ever-evolving job market, including the recent rise of remote and hybrid work environments, the demand for certain soft skills has surged. Here are five most in-demand soft skills you should focus on developing to thrive in the workplace of today.

2m ago

Remote working best practices: The do’s and don’ts

Gone are the days of cubicles and watercooler gossip; the modern professional navigates a digital frontier, unbound by physical location. The rise of remote work, fueled by technological advancements and a global pandemic, has transformed not just how we work, but who we are as workers.

5m ago

Four lessons from working abroad

The author started her professional career with an aspiration to work for a global business that would enable a borderless career. Last year, she had the chance to live and work in South Korea for three months on an assignment. Here are four lessons she learned during that time.

5m ago

How to launch a profitable side hustle: A step-by-step guide

How can you transform your own passion or expertise into a profitable sideline? Here's a comprehensive guide to kickstarting your side hustle journey, drawing on expert insights and successful strategies.

5m ago

How to make a successful career transition

Navigating through career transitions should be well thought out and properly assessed. In the dynamic era of professionalism and competition, strategic transition is necessary for successful growth, so let's take a look at how you can tackle this sudden change successfully. 

5m ago

How to manage work-induced stress as a modern employee

Characterised by tight deadlines, high expectations, and constant connectivity, modern workplaces can take a toll on employees' mental and physical well-being. As such, let's take a look at the causes behind workplace-induced stress and how you, as a modem employee, can manage it. 

6m ago

Here’s how to ask for a raise

Mastering the art of asking for a raise is an essential skill in a work environment where conversations about remuneration often remain shrouded in unwarranted discomfort and hesitation, particularly among women. Many employees traverse their entire careers without ever requesting a salary increase, primarily due to the awkwardness associated with the process or fear of appearing greedy. 

6m ago

Your smart guide to looking for jobs in the digital era

No longer are job seekers confined to the limitations of paper resumes and postal applications. Instead, the digital world unfolds a myriad of opportunities, where the click of a button can open doors to potential careers. 

6m ago

Financial planning as a first-year employee: things to consider

The first year of a job comes with its own set of challenges, including but not limited to learning curves, self-development, and of course, financial stress. Establishing a solid financial plan early in your career will not only cultivate responsible habits in you but also set you for better financial decisions in the future.

6m ago

Emotional intelligence: The X-factor for professional success

Experienced professionals will admit that emotional intelligence is a secret weapon in today's workplaces; guiding you through office dynamics and fostering collaboration with teammates. If you plan to level up your professional success, you must come to terms with your emotional intelligence, and, if possible, improve it.

6m ago

How the modern workplace will look like in 2024 

In 2024, the workplace in Bangladesh is set to be influenced by global trends and local dynamics, primarily driven by advancements in technology, evolving work models, and shifting employee priorities. Here's an in-depth look at the key trends and culture shifts expected in the coming year.

6m ago
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