Kevin Watkins

The writer, Executive Director of the Overseas Development Institute, is the author of a new report by the children's charity Theirworld, No Lost Generation: Holding to the promise of education for all Syrian refugees.

Broken promises for Syria's children

The human consequences of the education crisis among Syrian refugees are impossible to miss. They are apparent in the growing army of child labourers picking vegetables in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley or working at garment factories in Turkey, where a half-million refugees are out of school.

8y ago
August 4, 2016
August 4, 2016

Broken promises for Syria's children

The human consequences of the education crisis among Syrian refugees are impossible to miss. They are apparent in the growing army of child labourers picking vegetables in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley or working at garment factories in Turkey, where a half-million refugees are out of school.