Secrets to making your underlings happier
So what you don't have the Jedi mind tricks to will your underlings into working harder? Happiness researcher, psychologist and best-selling author Shawn Achor claims that the brain works much better when a person is feeling positive. In those times, people tend to be more creative and better at solving problems. But how exactly do you achieve that in the workplace?
Give them opportunities to grow
Financial incentives aren't enough to make for highly productive employees. Smart people need to improve. At Google, employee satisfaction grew 37% as a result of employee support and satisfaction initiatives. Provide opportunities for developmental support like training and mentoring programmes to develop skills.
People don't do well with repetition—they get bored and lose their sense of purpose when they see no change. Make sure your subordinates are aware of the different types of career paths or job opportunities throughout the company
No, not bonuses this time either
People can't grow without being challenged so start giving your employees more responsibility. Let them design a plan or take the lead for a project. Anthony Smith, CEO and founder of the Customer Relationship Management software Insightly, says, "The best benefit you can provide to your employees is the opportunity to make a difference through their work and help guide the course of the company. Benefits such as clear and frequent communication on company happenings, individual and department direction, and big-picture company direction make all the difference in employee happiness."
Give monetary incentives, but above all, voice your recognition, be that with a post on social media, a casual compliment during coffee break, or more formally in a departmental meeting.
Perks and incentives
Perks don't have to be restricted to bonuses—it could be a ticket to the upcoming Harry Potter movie or a discount coupon for pizza at that swanky, authentic Italian place in Gulshan. If they take risks, reward them.
Chill out with the crew
Face it, we're working more hours and feeling burnt out because of it. People need stress relief and companies should focus on creating avenues for letting off steam as a team. While more breaks are great, plan an informal hangout for a change, like a group lunch instead of that same old canteen food.
Talk to your underlings and find out how you can give your workplace a more positive and creative environment. If you can't show them the love, you're going to start losing devoted employees who submit to your every whim and fancy.