Rabindranath Tagore

Anonto prem

I wove necklaces of lyrics/ Which you'd wear beautifully

1m ago

Shedin dujone dulachinu bone

You know how that day the wind brought out/ The crazy thoughts I had in me all the while.

1m ago

Je chilo amar shopnocharini

You called me close in the moments of grace/ Veiling my delicate senses

1m ago

Oi Ashe Oi Oti Bhairob Horoshe

There, there they come— monsoonal clouds—

7y ago
May 11, 2024
May 11, 2024

Je chilo amar shopnocharini

You called me close in the moments of grace/ Veiling my delicate senses

May 11, 2024
May 11, 2024

Shedin dujone dulachinu bone

You know how that day the wind brought out/ The crazy thoughts I had in me all the while.

May 11, 2024
May 11, 2024

Anonto prem

I wove necklaces of lyrics/ Which you'd wear beautifully

June 10, 2017
June 10, 2017

Oi Ashe Oi Oti Bhairob Horoshe

There, there they come— monsoonal clouds—

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