Rick and Morty
Created by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland, Rick and Morty, which debuted in 2013, is an animated cosmic horror comedy that follows the adventures of the main character Rick, a scientist and alcoholic, and Morty, his grandson, sometimes with the rest of their family. It was the top TV comedy among millennials in 2017, and enjoys retail, digital, livestream, and gaming success.
The writing of the series is hilarious and creative. The mixture of wittiness, slapstick, and action all add to making the show one of the best comedies of recent times. The series easily parodies different movies and topics, sometimes slyly sneaking in references. It has a sensational world-building and character dynamics that are far beyond anything we usually see on the animated landscape of television. Fans of Rick and Morty can rest easy now as co-creator Justin Roiland posted on instagram that 70 more episodes have been approved for the series. There were 31 episodes in its first three seasons.
We would highly recommend this series to anyone, especially fans of Back to the Future and Adventure Time.