The Raihan Rafi directed film Dohon is set to be released on October 5th. The film stars Siam and Puja Cherry. This duo's first film, Poramon 2 was quite a hit after it was released last Eid-ul-Fitr. Siam and Puja's acting was what made that film successful. Poramon 2 is still being screened in many movie theatres. Zakiya Bari Mamo is also seen alongside Siam and Puja. Dohon is a movie that raises political and social issues.
Siam plays a young drug addict, and Puja plays a garments worker. Zakiya Bari Mamo plays a reporter. Siam said about the film, "The character I play is named Tula. People call him 'Harami Tula.' I worked very hard for this project. I had to wear dirty clothes and had to spend a lot of time alone. I tried to become the character. Audiences will get to see a different Siam in this film. I tried very hard to make this perfect."
Puja Cherry said, "I worked extremely hard for Dohon. To see how garments' workers live and talk, I visited a garments factory. I believe that movie-goers will enjoy this film." The producer, Adbul Aziz from JAAZ Multimedia said, "The first film we produced, Bhalobashar Rong, was released on October 5th, 2012. Since then, we have released a lot of movies. On the anniversary of the release of JAAZ Multimedia's first film, Dohon will be released. Dohon is a dream movie for us, and we are hoping that it will do good."