Letter to My Past Self
Dear M,
This is a letter you would want to save for the future; for all the heartaches and bliss you endure.
Sometimes it might seem like the days are too long, but let me assure you everything will turn out okay in the end.
Even when you think there's no end to the pain you suffered, rest assured there will always be a silver lining.
The heartaches might be profound, etching a deep mark into your fragile heart.
I won't lie to you. Yes, you will be hurt!
Loved ones will be leave you forever, for a new journey of their own; making you feel left out and alone.
But despair not; they are always there, residing in a deep corner of your heart. You only need to close your eyes and be conscious of their spiritual presence.
You only need to believe...
For all the people you lose in your life, you will gain a new bond; a new friendship, a relationship pure and selfless.
I like to call them 'human angels'and they will surprise you by entering your life when you are at your lowest and least expecting any sort of solace.
Trust me.
Just have faith in yourself. For the thousands of times that you doubt yourself that you cannot do, or perform; you are simply wasting time. Don't listen to anyone else, but your own consciousness.
For, you are capable ofdoing— all that you have ever dreamed of.
Finally, relax.
Take time out for your own self. Take care and prioritise your health.
You will be going through a lot of upheavals and downturns in life, but at the end you will come out as a winner — a survivor! Stay Strong.
Yours truly,