Commercials in real life

You groggily wake up to beautiful sunlight pouring into your room through the windows. Birds are chirping outside and the weather seems a bit… too pleasant. You dismiss the thought by labelling it as paranoia and move on with your day by brushing your teeth. You can't help but notice how your toothpaste formed a sparkling, picture-perfect swirl on the bristles of your toothbrush. You think you must be having a lucky day and continue brushing. Soon, you head out for work and catch your usual bus. The long journey allows you to have some time to think and you are engrossed in thought over two things: your routined existential dread and what you'll have for lunch.
Out of exasperation, you sigh heavily and look out the window. You think you just noticed some flecks or glitter coming out of your mouth with the exhale but then convince yourself that it's dust, given that you are in Dhaka. The person on the seat next to you suddenly sits up straighter and looks at you in awe. You try to ignore it at first but it gets uncomfortable after a while. You then proceed to ask the person why they're staring at you, but when you do so, a brilliant blue gust of wind comes out of your mouth, complete with actual flecks of glitter. You are bewildered, as is expected. But the person you asked the question to closes their eyes and takes in your exhale, like it's the elixir of life in aerosol form.
You are overcome with shock and terror, so you head out of the bus as fast as you can. You can hear a familiar jingle start to play on the bus, but you run and don't turn back. By the time you reach your destination, you seem visibly shaken with the previous developments, so you head straight to the restroom to calm down. While you are pondering as to what actually happened a few minutes prior, you notice that you are sweaty from all the running and desperately need deodorant. You dig it out of your backpack and spray it all over your body, hoping that the odour will disappear along with the memories of you breathing out glittery blue air.
You head back to the office after a while, even though you still feel a bit strange. You also take notice of how everyone is staring at you with their mouths agape. You hastily look at whatever reflective surface you can find and discover that you have somehow transformed into a walking chocolate bar. Immediately, you let out an ear-shrieking scream but then you realise that you are exhaling the blue air again.
You shut your mouth and then sprint out of the building in horror, only to find that the world has fallen into chaos. Everywhere you turn, you see models walking in slow motion towards bottles of mango juice, people involved in high speed chases running with their fashionable suitcases, CGI children pouring out in groups to engage in synchronised dancing to a song that's dedicated to cola, and a lot of other chaotic variations.The terror you feel finally contaminates everyone else surrounding you. Then, in unison, you all scream, releasing more horrifically minty breaths together and then it all cuts to black.
Suddenly, you jolt awake and find yourself seated at a table with familiar people who seem worried about you. They ask you what's wrong and you reassure them that everything seems to be okay now. You are back to your normal world, as is evident by the lack of blue air coming from your mouth.
Fatima Jahan Ena considers herself to be a chaotically neutral egg with feelings. Fight her at