How to stay connected with your team while working remotely
Social distancing has become an integral part of our daily life during this pandemic. While working from home, remote workers face many challenges. The main challenge is to stay connected with the whole team. Here are some insights on how to be a successful remote worker while staying connected with your colleagues.
Schedule daily meetings
To encourage team spirit, daily meetings are much needed even if it's just for 10-15 minutes. It'll involve all the colleagues in the discussion of company updates and help them stay on top of information. A meeting in the morning to set the daily goals and to rank urgent projects can keep you and your team on the right track.
Make video calls mandatory
Many nonverbal cues incentivize you to work proficiently. But when you default to phone calls, you're not able to build a level of rapport. Face-to-face meetings or video calls let us feel like we are huddled together in a small conference room and enable us to coordinate our work.
Engage yourself in a reasonable amount of chit chat
Remote work gets lonely in between meetings and calls. This gap can be tackled if you stay connected with your team in a group chat. You can make small announcements and ask quick questions here. It is also the best way to understand your co-workers and develop a better team spirit.
Stick to a set schedule for work
When you are working from home, there is no fixed time to complete the assignment. Procrastination and slackness can make your whole team less productive. The balance between personal life and professional life will be in trouble because of this slackness. Set primary working hours and stick to them no matter what. In this way, you can achieve your daily goals and stay connected with your colleagues actively. You may also spend time with your family.