05:38 PM, December 28, 2015 / LAST MODIFIED: 05:46 PM, December 28, 2015

Dry skin remedies

Maaesha Nuzhat Nazmul, Lifestyle Desk

Skin, in spite of being the largest organ in our body, often gets taken for granted. Usually most people regard having a skin care regime to be a time consuming activity, and thus choose to not hear what our skin tries to tell us.
When our skin is healthy it is soft and glowing. Dry and dehydrated skin looks unappealing and so we end up becoming self conscious about our appearance and as a result, our confidence takes a nose dive.
Here are some remedies that will help repair your skin if you are currently going through a dry skin phase. Falling into the habit of following them on a regular basis will prevent it from reoccurring in the future.

Find a moisturiser that works for you
You might be thinking that you're doing everything right so why do you still have dry skin.  If you have dry skin, rest assured that you are not doing everything right. The first step towards making things right is getting a moisturiser.
Vaseline Advanced Repair works great for people with naturally dry skin. It contains glycerin and petroleum jelly, which are very beneficial for people with this kind of skin. Their hydrating property allows moisture to be locked inside and thus repairs the skin.
For those with combination skin, a water based moisturiser is recommended. This way the T-zone does not get greasy and the pores do not get clogged either.

Rethink your routine
Sometimes we end up giving ourselves dry, patchy skin. While we have no control on the extreme weather situation of our country, we can make sure that we put a stop to our own unyielding habits.
To start with, taking a very hot shower is not an option. Though it relaxes you, it simultaneously exhausts your skin of all the moisture it has. Try to keep the showers short and only slightly warm.
Also, avoid using harsh soaps and shower gels as well. The chemicals used in them end up doing more harm than good. Look for soaps containing glycerin. They are the way to go if loss of moisture is to be kept at a minimum.

Treat patchy and dry skin
Petroleum jelly is entirely natural and, therefore, the best remedy for patchy skin. You could use moisturisers containing petroleum jelly. This will heal itchy skin while ensuring that your skin gets the moisture it needs.
Alternatively, you could use pure Vaseline directly. It seals in all the moisture added, as well as the natural oils produced by your skin. Because of its triple purified formula, loss of moisture is significantly reduced. Vaseline can be used anywhere, even under the eyes, as many times required.
If adapting a revised health care routine is not stopping patches and rashes from occurring, consult a doctor.

Prevent dry skin patches
A moisturiser is not the only thing you need for healthy skin. It is also important that formation of patches throughout different seasons is prevented.
Use caps, hats, scarves and gloves during the winter and opt for sunscreen for the rest of the year. You could also look for moisturisers that contain SPF for everyday use in order to shield your face from the harmful rays of the sun.
Some other lifestyle changes include wearing 100 percent cotton clothes so that there is room for your skin to breathe. You could also incorporate food containing omega-3 such as cold-water fish or walnuts. This will strengthen your skin's natural ability to retain oil.
Healthy skin is not unattainable. If you alter your daily skin routine just a little, you can accommodate this beautiful change and it is totally worth it. After all, who would ever say no to beautiful, radiant skin?
