A prayer
What is the sadness that with
a misty grey grief fills the world?
A cry of a woman on television
for a loss — an unending grief
rips her heart as endless tears
roll down her wet cheeks. Her
mouth remains open in imitation
of the Munch-like Scream. That is
grief. The sorrow of loss is for the
living. Love heals by giving. Sharing?
Is it possible to share mourning?
Missing? All the wounds death
inflicts on the living? With
love and compassion, I hold your
hand in grieving, not just for the dead,
but the loss of a way of life. For
you, my friends, I can only be there
in empathy, with my love and sympathy.
Let us walk towards a new dawn. Dream
of an aubade in a mask-free, virus-free world.
Let us write a hymn of love. And just wait... wait...