Dilshana Naureen

Guide to the best FIFA Watch Party

Sure, in theory, you can enjoy watching your favourite teams play all alone in front of the TV and still have fun. But let's be honest, everything is a lot more entertaining and enjoyable when you have your friends and family with you. It can be a lot of fun to plan a watch party to watch a game together but remember that to organise a good watch party, you should follow the next tips like gospel:

1y ago

Ultimate FIFA 2022 Game Day Snacks

There is nothing better than sitting in front of the TV, tuning in on the latest football games, and digging into your favourite supply of snacks. With FIFA World Cup 2022 now in full swing, it's time to start collecting the ultimate snack ideas you can easily munch on with your friends and family while watching the games! No matter which team you are rooting for to win (or lose), these delicious game-day snacks definitely pack a punch and satisfy every taste bud and desire!

1y ago

Celebrate football World Cup with special screenings, food deals, and discount offers

While of course, you can always enjoy the FIFA Football World Cup matches in the comfort of your own home, there is something to be said about coming together as a community and watching them on screens across restaurants, burger joints, lounges, etc. across Dhaka City. As a rule of thumb, it is safe to assume that almost everywhere with a TV screen will stream matches, however, if you want someplace specific, here are some starting points as well as deals and offers to look out for!

1y ago

Are you walking enough?

For one, walking is known to greatly improve your mental health and your mood. Secondly, it will also help you lose calories and maintain a healthy weight, as walking daily can increase your metabolism. Walking is also known to alleviate joint pain as well as make your heart healthier. Think about all the aunties and uncles you know that speed walk every day at their favourite park — for some reason, they are always incredibly fit and healthy (hint: the reason is probably all that walking!).

1y ago

Essential winter skincare tips

There are many sure-fire traditions for the coming winter season: getting the big heavy quilts down from storage, finding yourself reaching for hot coffee, and of course, the inevitable dry skin. Not just dehydrated but flaky dryness that robs your skin of its radiance. It's a seasonal sign, but it's also a not-so-subtle reminder that it's time to switch to a winter skincare routine. Your beauty routines should change with the seasons. As a result, it's time to choose the best winter skin-care regimen to keep your skin healthy and glowy as it battles the colder temperatures.

1y ago

All you need to know about hot showers

The weather is already careening headfirst into the stinging cold season and we are already craving the comfort of hot drinks, snug sweaters, cosy comforters, and swelteringly hot showers. But while it is a universally acknowledged truth that there is nothing better than a warm shower on a cool winter morning, there are certain disadvantages of the beloved hot showers.

1y ago

Healthy diet for healthy bodies

Consuming a balanced diet throughout one's life helps to prevent malnutrition in all of its manifestations, as well as a variety of diseases, illnesses, and other health problems. However, increased processed food production, rising urbanisation, and changing lifestyles have resulted in a shift in dietary trends.

1y ago

Healthy diet for healthy bodies

Our bodies are important. They are the vessel through which we live and experience everything in this world, and so it is important we take care of them. And while exercise and good sleeping habits are important in keeping us healthy, in the end, it is diet and nutrition that play the largest role in maintaining and sustaining a healthy body.

1y ago
December 15, 2022
December 15, 2022

Guide to the best FIFA Watch Party

Sure, in theory, you can enjoy watching your favourite teams play all alone in front of the TV and still have fun. But let's be honest, everything is a lot more entertaining and enjoyable when you have your friends and family with you. It can be a lot of fun to plan a watch party to watch a game together but remember that to organise a good watch party, you should follow the next tips like gospel:

November 28, 2022
November 28, 2022

Ultimate FIFA 2022 Game Day Snacks

There is nothing better than sitting in front of the TV, tuning in on the latest football games, and digging into your favourite supply of snacks. With FIFA World Cup 2022 now in full swing, it's time to start collecting the ultimate snack ideas you can easily munch on with your friends and family while watching the games! No matter which team you are rooting for to win (or lose), these delicious game-day snacks definitely pack a punch and satisfy every taste bud and desire!

November 24, 2022
November 24, 2022

Celebrate football World Cup with special screenings, food deals, and discount offers

While of course, you can always enjoy the FIFA Football World Cup matches in the comfort of your own home, there is something to be said about coming together as a community and watching them on screens across restaurants, burger joints, lounges, etc. across Dhaka City. As a rule of thumb, it is safe to assume that almost everywhere with a TV screen will stream matches, however, if you want someplace specific, here are some starting points as well as deals and offers to look out for!

November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022

Are you walking enough?

For one, walking is known to greatly improve your mental health and your mood. Secondly, it will also help you lose calories and maintain a healthy weight, as walking daily can increase your metabolism. Walking is also known to alleviate joint pain as well as make your heart healthier. Think about all the aunties and uncles you know that speed walk every day at their favourite park — for some reason, they are always incredibly fit and healthy (hint: the reason is probably all that walking!).

November 6, 2022
November 6, 2022

Essential winter skincare tips

There are many sure-fire traditions for the coming winter season: getting the big heavy quilts down from storage, finding yourself reaching for hot coffee, and of course, the inevitable dry skin. Not just dehydrated but flaky dryness that robs your skin of its radiance. It's a seasonal sign, but it's also a not-so-subtle reminder that it's time to switch to a winter skincare routine. Your beauty routines should change with the seasons. As a result, it's time to choose the best winter skin-care regimen to keep your skin healthy and glowy as it battles the colder temperatures.

November 2, 2022
November 2, 2022

All you need to know about hot showers

The weather is already careening headfirst into the stinging cold season and we are already craving the comfort of hot drinks, snug sweaters, cosy comforters, and swelteringly hot showers. But while it is a universally acknowledged truth that there is nothing better than a warm shower on a cool winter morning, there are certain disadvantages of the beloved hot showers.

October 16, 2022
October 16, 2022

Healthy diet for healthy bodies

Consuming a balanced diet throughout one's life helps to prevent malnutrition in all of its manifestations, as well as a variety of diseases, illnesses, and other health problems. However, increased processed food production, rising urbanisation, and changing lifestyles have resulted in a shift in dietary trends.

October 16, 2022
October 16, 2022

Healthy diet for healthy bodies

Our bodies are important. They are the vessel through which we live and experience everything in this world, and so it is important we take care of them. And while exercise and good sleeping habits are important in keeping us healthy, in the end, it is diet and nutrition that play the largest role in maintaining and sustaining a healthy body.

October 10, 2022
October 10, 2022

Guide to street shopping in Dhaka

Let's be honest, almost all of us have seen the multiple vans and carts (thela garis) filled with various clothes, jewellery and accessories while going about our day and wanted to stop and shop. But truth be told, it does seem kind of intimidating, which is where this guide to street shopping comes in!

August 22, 2022
August 22, 2022

How to make the most of guava season

It is no secret that the reigning royalty of summer fruits includes mangoes, lychees, pineapples, various berries, guavas, etc. And while we have said goodbye to most of these fruits as the season comes to an end, guavas are just about coming to a peak. Here are 8 ways to make the most out of this guava season while they are still in the markets!