Nooha Sabanta Maula

Nooha Sabanta Maula is an Anthropology major whose anthropologising has made her confused about life. Send her your thoughts to

#ChooseToChallenge for a Gender Equal Future

The first step is to educate oneself to become an informed ally.

3y ago

It's time to #PayUp

The refusal to accept accountability and pay their dues ends up hurting the people of colour who work at their supplier factories. This is why #PayUp has become a part of the outcry against racial injustice and a site of resistance against white supremacy.

4y ago

IWD 2020: What it means to be #EachforEqual

The International Women’s Day (IWD) 2020 theme—“an equal world is an enabled world”—is aimed at reminding us of the power that concerted efforts hold when it comes to making the world better for women.

4y ago

Why IWD still matters in 2019

Each year, International Women's Day (IWD) thematically focuses a call to action while also celebrating the social, cultural, political and economic achievements of women.

5y ago

Dealing with "Biye Kobe?"

For a time when the odds are stacked up against you.

6y ago

Types of People at a Graduation Ceremony

To put it bluntly, graduation ceremonies are quite the bummer. If you're expecting the audience to burst into applause when you walk

6y ago

Growing tired of friends

An unprecedented change that I have encountered in the past year is coming in terms with the fact that I've grown tired of many of my friends. It's not an easy thing to accept, especially during the period when friends are expected to form the core of one's social network.

7y ago

How to move about in Dhaka

With Dhaka's traffic situation worsening with each passing day, having an extended idea of the transportations available pays off. It can save time or offer possible shortcuts to beat the traffic and reduce the commute time.

7y ago
March 8, 2021
March 8, 2021

#ChooseToChallenge for a Gender Equal Future

The first step is to educate oneself to become an informed ally.

June 26, 2020
June 26, 2020

It's time to #PayUp

The refusal to accept accountability and pay their dues ends up hurting the people of colour who work at their supplier factories. This is why #PayUp has become a part of the outcry against racial injustice and a site of resistance against white supremacy.

March 8, 2020
March 8, 2020

IWD 2020: What it means to be #EachforEqual

The International Women’s Day (IWD) 2020 theme—“an equal world is an enabled world”—is aimed at reminding us of the power that concerted efforts hold when it comes to making the world better for women.

March 7, 2019
March 7, 2019

Why IWD still matters in 2019

Each year, International Women's Day (IWD) thematically focuses a call to action while also celebrating the social, cultural, political and economic achievements of women.

February 22, 2018
February 22, 2018

Types of People at a Graduation Ceremony

To put it bluntly, graduation ceremonies are quite the bummer. If you're expecting the audience to burst into applause when you walk

February 22, 2018
February 22, 2018

Dealing with "Biye Kobe?"

For a time when the odds are stacked up against you.

December 28, 2017
December 28, 2017

Growing tired of friends

An unprecedented change that I have encountered in the past year is coming in terms with the fact that I've grown tired of many of my friends. It's not an easy thing to accept, especially during the period when friends are expected to form the core of one's social network.

December 14, 2017
December 14, 2017

How to move about in Dhaka

With Dhaka's traffic situation worsening with each passing day, having an extended idea of the transportations available pays off. It can save time or offer possible shortcuts to beat the traffic and reduce the commute time.

December 7, 2017
December 7, 2017

How to eat better on campus

Considering the typical meals and snacks options available on and around campuses, trying to eat healthy can be quite a struggle.

November 30, 2017
November 30, 2017

Anthropology: It's more than just old bones

As an undergraduate student of Anthropology, I've spent the past 4 years explaining to countless people what my major is. It's not an easy task because Anthropology is the result of some dissatisfied thinkers believing existing