Worst habits for belly fat
The worst fat is belly fat. Overeating may lead to heart disease and diabetes. Doctors think a larger waist indicates a shorter life. Following are the facts that contribute to belly fat:
Eating while distracted: Instead of browsing through your phone as you snack, focus on your food and taste it. Overeating is less probable if you eat mindfully.
Eating too fast: It takes roughly 20 minutes for your brain to get a full stomach signal. If you eat too rapidly, you will consume more than your body requires. Slow eaters consume fewer calories and lose weight.
Getting poor sleep: In one study, adults under 40 who slept less than 5 hours a night gained more belly fat. Conversely, sleeping more than 8 hours a night can have the same gut-expanding effect.
Eating late: Give your digestive system time to digest your food by eating earlier in the evening. The later you eat, the less time your body has to burn them.
Eating white bread: The refined grains in white bread and other processed meals are devoid of slow-digesting fibre, boosting blood sugar levels. This may cause weight gain.
Drinking diet soda: You may believe that substituting diet soda for regular would help you lose weight. But artificial sweeteners in diet drinks raise belly fat. Avoid soda and drink water instead.
Skipping meals: Obesity is 4 times more likely if you skip breakfast. Going without food slows your metabolism, making you more prone to overeating later when hungry.
Eating 'Low-Fat' or 'Fat-Free' food: It is beneficial to limit fat and sugar, yet meals low in fat and sugar are typically high in carbohydrates. High-carb meals may boost triglycerides, insulin sensitivity, and belly fat.
Smoking: Smoking is harmful to your health, but one of the side consequences is a bloated tummy. You store more fat in your stomach than in your hips and thighs as you light up.
Eating on a big plate: Put your food on a smaller plate and trick your brain into thinking you are eating more than you are.
Not moving enough: Fitness is the key to good health. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate activity every day to reduce your waistline.
Being stressed often: Stress releases a hormone called cortisol into your body. Higher cortisol levels can lead to weight gain.
Changing your diet may help you lose belly fat. Any excess calories might expand your waistline and cause belly fat.
Source: WebMD