Video games are great. As I grow older, a new aspect of the medium amuses me. At first, it was all about the photorealistic graphics, which then transitioned into admiration for the combat mechanics and then developed an obsession on the storytelling and world building aspect of it. Although, I still can't really wrap my head around any of the nuances of game development, the process fascinates me. I have tried learning Blender, poked around with a bunch of different game engines, and even attempted to design my own characters. However, I just can't get past the learning curve. Whether it is the sheer volume of technicality that I have to learn from scratch or confront the shortcomings of my basics, I am terrified of taking it head on.
For the time being, I will settle for mindlessly watching hours of tutorials on 3D modelling and making fake foliage. And maybe one day, I will make a half decent game.