Dr Ayman Joarder

Advancement of cardiac care in Bangladesh

In the heart of Bangladesh, where the vibrant tapestry of life unfolds against a backdrop of lush green landscapes, a silent and formidable adversary has been steadily gaining ground—cardiovascular disease (CVD). This tale is a chronicle of the growing shadow of CVD, particularly the relentless march of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) that is spreading across the country, affecting both men and women, no matter where they live.

1y ago
October 8, 2023
October 8, 2023

Advancement of cardiac care in Bangladesh

In the heart of Bangladesh, where the vibrant tapestry of life unfolds against a backdrop of lush green landscapes, a silent and formidable adversary has been steadily gaining ground—cardiovascular disease (CVD). This tale is a chronicle of the growing shadow of CVD, particularly the relentless march of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) that is spreading across the country, affecting both men and women, no matter where they live.