Mujib Rahman

Unlocking Global Opportunities Bringing International Degrees to Your Doorstep

Pursuing an international degree can be overwhelming and expensive. From navigating the admissions process to securing a visa and relocating to a new country, each step demands a significant amount of time and effort. Universal College Bangladesh (UCB) helps you transcend geographical boundaries by allowing you to prepare for, pursue, or even complete your long-dreamt foreign degree right here in Dhaka.

3w ago

Empowering the unbanked

Sustainable development has become a global imperative, with financial institutions worldwide integrating sustainability into their core policies.

3w ago

Shamsur Rahman and Muslim Bengali childhood - modernity, city, and soliloquy

The poetic tradition in the East, particularly in Greater India, has long been characterised by diverse literary experimentation, significantly influenced by Sanskritic, Arabic, and Persian cosmopolitan traditions.

1m ago

The Rising Popularity of Treasury Bills and Treasury Bonds

As Bangladesh transitions from a least developed country to a developing country, we are witnessing a rapidly growing middle and low-income demographic willing to save and invest money beyond their daily expenses, despite the long-standing high inflation rate.

1m ago
August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024

Unlocking Global Opportunities Bringing International Degrees to Your Doorstep

Pursuing an international degree can be overwhelming and expensive. From navigating the admissions process to securing a visa and relocating to a new country, each step demands a significant amount of time and effort. Universal College Bangladesh (UCB) helps you transcend geographical boundaries by allowing you to prepare for, pursue, or even complete your long-dreamt foreign degree right here in Dhaka.

August 27, 2024
August 27, 2024

Empowering the unbanked

Sustainable development has become a global imperative, with financial institutions worldwide integrating sustainability into their core policies.

August 19, 2024
August 19, 2024

Shamsur Rahman and Muslim Bengali childhood - modernity, city, and soliloquy

The poetic tradition in the East, particularly in Greater India, has long been characterised by diverse literary experimentation, significantly influenced by Sanskritic, Arabic, and Persian cosmopolitan traditions.

July 31, 2024
July 31, 2024

The Rising Popularity of Treasury Bills and Treasury Bonds

As Bangladesh transitions from a least developed country to a developing country, we are witnessing a rapidly growing middle and low-income demographic willing to save and invest money beyond their daily expenses, despite the long-standing high inflation rate.