Eid Mubarak to you and yours

This year, we celebrate Eid-ul-Azha amid a number of crises. Thousands of people in Sunamganj, Sylhet, and other parts of Bangladesh have only recently lost all their belongings to one of the most devastating floods seen in a hundred years. The world is experiencing one of the scariest inflationary trends in recent times, which has also spilled over to our country. People all across Bangladesh are struggling to afford even the most basic necessities, while it seems that another wave of the Covid pandemic has begun to rear its head. It is in times like this that the deeper message of Eid-ul-Azha becomes even more important.
Let us all remember that this Eid is really about sacrificing in the divine way. And what can be more divine than to use some of our material wealth to help out our fellow man and woman? There is no shortage of people around us right now who need help. It is our religious and moral obligation to extend a helping hand to them, and to ensure that they too can have somewhat of a joyous Eid.
If sacrifice is what this festival is all about, then the people in distress should be the prime beneficiaries of what we do on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha. This Eid, let us resolve to break away from the temptation to show off our worldly riches, and focus on sharing some of our blessings with the less fortunate. In keeping with the true spirit of Eid, we hope that government and non-government organisations will also come forward with various initiatives that can alleviate some of the sufferings of the people who have been hit badly by the floods and ongoing inflation.
We would also like to remind everyone how important it is to maintain proper hygiene during Eid-related ceremonies and distributions. The government must ensure that the city corporations and other local administrations diligently carry out their duties, so that garbage and other waste material don't pile up on our roads and other public places. Finally, we hope that Eid travellers have a safe journey home and back, properly following all the health guidelines to prevent another sizeable outbreak of Covid post-Eid.
We wish our readers and patrons a happy and safe Eid. Eid Mubarak!