A Closer Look

A Closer Look

Opinion / Unbridled corruption and a minister’s reckless comment

The ruling regime should focus less on talking and more on actions, to create a conducive environment that truly eliminates corruption.

3m ago

Civil war in Myanmar: Bangladesh should revisit its national security strategy

It is high time Bangladesh revised its national security strategy and worked in close collaboration with the other key regional players.

3m ago

Biman’s frustrating legacy of misadventures

That Biman is a highly corrupt institution that thrives on shameless plundering of public money is no secret.

3m ago

FY2024-25 Budget / Whitening black money, raising taxes won’t fix our economic ails

These measures are a slap in the face of honest taxpayers who diligently pay taxes on their legitimate income every year.

4m ago

Children must be protected from abuse and torture

We have become a society in which children have become a tool to satiate the filthy desires of the stronger

4m ago

How are electrolyte drinks regulated in Bangladesh?

Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (BFSA) has recently sued the owners of seven companies for selling five popular brands of electrolyte drink without necessary approvals.

4m ago

Dhaka's toxic air: An invisible killer on the loose

Dhaka's air did not become unbreathable overnight, nor is there any instant solution to it.

4m ago

Women breaking the glass ceiling? Not so much in sports

In Bangladesh, we have a long way to go in encouraging, promoting and creating a conducive ecosystem for the inclusion of more women in sports.

5m ago

Strengthening digital economy is the way to go

China and South Korea were the early frontlines in our pitched battle against Covid-19. Both countries had taken the hardest hit during the initial phase of the outbreak, but both were quick to rebound from the initial shock of it and soon cornered the mortal enemy with the swift stroke of their digital weapons.

4y ago

How will the new normal for our migrant workers look like?

The world watched in paralysed horror as oil prices plummeted to below zero: the price of West Texas Intermediate oil grade went negative to –USD 37.63 per barrel (pb), for the first time in history. The shock of the collapse was intense, leading to traders naming the day “Black Monday”.

4y ago

Online Exclusive: While Bangladesh grapples with a pandemic, measles remains below the radar

According to newspaper reports, 10 children have already died in the CHT since the outbreak began on February 26, when the first death was reported. Another 300 children have been infected.

4y ago

Covid-19: Can this be the war to end all wars?

Wars and epide-mics make the perfect bedfellows. Wars create the perfect wombs where murky diseases can gestate and then combust, wiping out entire populations as they spread around the world.

4y ago

Covid-19, Iran sanctions, and how politics aids a pandemic

These are unprecedented times, times that call for unprecedented measures, humane measures.

4y ago

Coronavirus: A pitched battle against a mortal enemy

The coronavirus, now declared a pandemic by WHO, has created panic around the world, and Bangladesh is no exception. As soon as the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) confirmed the first cases of coronavirus in the country on March 8,

4y ago

Allies, alliances and turncoats

At 92, Mahathir Mohamad, the world’s oldest serving president, came into the limelight recently, but for all the wrong reasons. On February 22, without any prior notice, Mahathir suddenly tendered his resignation as the prime minister of the country, less than two years into his tenure.

4y ago

Where does India go from here?

What was supposed to be the celebration of friendship between two of the largest democracies in the world—India and America—turned out to be a sideshow to a bloodbath of communal hatred, exposing the undemocratic underbelly of BJP’s India.

4y ago

The Syrian civil war: Confused battle-lines and countless lives lost

Turkey and the Russia-backed Syrian government led by Bashar al-Assad are in a tight jostle for full control of the north-western Syrian province of Idlib. The province—the last of the four de-escalation zones agreed by Turkey, Iran and Russia in 2017, which is yet to be taken over by the Assad government—is important to all the warring actors for diverse and awkward reasons.

4y ago

Yemen’s collateral damage

The five year long bloody civil war that spiralled out of control soon after it broke out in 2015, has claimed the lives of “tens and thousands” of civilians.

4y ago