A Closer Look

A Closer Look

Opinion / Unbridled corruption and a minister’s reckless comment

The ruling regime should focus less on talking and more on actions, to create a conducive environment that truly eliminates corruption.

3m ago

Civil war in Myanmar: Bangladesh should revisit its national security strategy

It is high time Bangladesh revised its national security strategy and worked in close collaboration with the other key regional players.

3m ago

Biman’s frustrating legacy of misadventures

That Biman is a highly corrupt institution that thrives on shameless plundering of public money is no secret.

3m ago

FY2024-25 Budget / Whitening black money, raising taxes won’t fix our economic ails

These measures are a slap in the face of honest taxpayers who diligently pay taxes on their legitimate income every year.

4m ago

Children must be protected from abuse and torture

We have become a society in which children have become a tool to satiate the filthy desires of the stronger

4m ago

How are electrolyte drinks regulated in Bangladesh?

Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (BFSA) has recently sued the owners of seven companies for selling five popular brands of electrolyte drink without necessary approvals.

4m ago

Dhaka's toxic air: An invisible killer on the loose

Dhaka's air did not become unbreathable overnight, nor is there any instant solution to it.

4m ago

Women breaking the glass ceiling? Not so much in sports

In Bangladesh, we have a long way to go in encouraging, promoting and creating a conducive ecosystem for the inclusion of more women in sports.

5m ago

Myanmar’s legacy of rape as a terror tactic

While it is a well-docu-mented fact that more than 700,000 Rohingya had to flee Myanmar’s Rakhine state since the latest onslaught of violence unleashed on them by the Myanmar military and nearly 9,000 Rohingya had been killed in Rakhine between August 25 and September 24 in 2017

4y ago

Of bruises and blues

Between January and October 2019, 173 women have been killed by their husbands in Bangladesh, 37 have been murdered by the husband’s family, while 36 have been killed by their own family members.

4y ago

Problem Right, Solution Not

Illicit Financial Flows (IFF)—which means “money illegally earned, transferred, or used that crosses borders”—have become a real global problem.

4y ago

Winter, dengue and STDs

Mosqui-tos have become our closest companions, staying by us every hour of the day, waking us up with their love bites and lulling us to sleep with the ever-familiar hum of their buzzing wings.

4y ago

The Rohingya relocation dilemma

The concerns and uncertainties over the relocation of some Rohingya refugees to Bashan Char are showing no signs of easing.

4y ago

Arming genocide

Arms trade is big business, governed by its own set of conventions. These transactions are triggered by conflicts and peacekeeping; for violence and security—depending on who the buyer is. And global arms sale has reached alarming levels in recent years—highest since the end of the Cold War.

4y ago

What happens when democracy fails

With mass protests breaking out across a number of world capitals, it would seem the last few months have been unkind to the world. People in Sudan, Algeria, Hong Kong, Egypt and more recently in Iraq, Chile and Lebanon, have been forced to take to the streets seeking justice and equality, and respite from corrupt governing systems.

4y ago

Questions unfashionable

The threat of climate change is growing more real and more urgent by the day. According to Climate Nexus, a rise in temperature by 1.5 percent can lead to sea-level rise of 48cm...

4y ago

Strange times call for stranger bedfellows

The recent “deal” reached between Turkish President Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin, to end Turkish operation in northeast Syria, on October 22, has been causing quite a stir.

4y ago

A flawed artiste in a flawed world

In awarding the Nobel Prize in literature to Peter Handke, the award committee said, “it’s not the academy’s mandate to balance literary quality against political considerations.” We need to talk about this.

4y ago