A Closer Look

A Closer Look

Civil war in Myanmar: Bangladesh should revisit its national security strategy

It is high time Bangladesh revised its national security strategy and worked in close collaboration with the other key regional players.

6d ago

Biman’s frustrating legacy of misadventures

That Biman is a highly corrupt institution that thrives on shameless plundering of public money is no secret.

2w ago

FY2024-25 Budget / Whitening black money, raising taxes won’t fix our economic ails

These measures are a slap in the face of honest taxpayers who diligently pay taxes on their legitimate income every year.

3w ago

Children must be protected from abuse and torture

We have become a society in which children have become a tool to satiate the filthy desires of the stronger

1m ago

How are electrolyte drinks regulated in Bangladesh?

Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (BFSA) has recently sued the owners of seven companies for selling five popular brands of electrolyte drink without necessary approvals.

1m ago

Dhaka's toxic air: An invisible killer on the loose

Dhaka's air did not become unbreathable overnight, nor is there any instant solution to it.

1m ago

Women breaking the glass ceiling? Not so much in sports

In Bangladesh, we have a long way to go in encouraging, promoting and creating a conducive ecosystem for the inclusion of more women in sports.

2m ago

Israel is rogue, but Iran must demonstrate restraint 

It remains to be seen what Israel does with its replenished weapons inventory.

2m ago

How do we keep Omicron at bay? Together.

With Omicron spreading rapidly across the world, Bangladesh is bracing itself for the battle against a potential third wave of the pandemic.

2y ago

Making the most of our e-commerce sector

The e-commerce sector of Bangladesh witnessed significant growth since the outbreak of Covid-19 in March 2020.

2y ago

In the shadows of violence

South Asia is home to about a quarter of the world’s population. Sprawling over eight countries, the region is a vibrant mosaic of various ethnicities, religions, cultures and languages.

2y ago

As Myanmar is shred into pieces, can its people unite to stop the Tatmadaw?

We couldn’t stand to watch it so we kept our heads down, crying . . . We begged them not to do it. They didn’t care.

2y ago

Supporting the hands that feed our forex reserves

Bangladesh and Malaysia have recently signed an MoU paving the way for Bangladeshi migrant workers to reap the benefits of employment opportunities in Malaysia.

2y ago

Why are Rohingya women and girls so unsafe in refugee camps?

One in four Rohingya women and girls in refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, has suffered gender-based violence (GBV), according to data gathered by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in their centres between July and December 2019.

2y ago

The time for the world to act in Palestine’s favour is now

Displaced, colonised, marginalised, terrorised, tortured, victimised, killed; these are just some of the many forms of dispossession and ethnic cleansing the Palestinian people have had to endure at the hands of the Zionists and Israelis since the turn of the 20th century.

2y ago

To be free from gender-based violence, we need empowerment

Gender-based violence has historically permeated across our social mosaic.

2y ago

We must embrace diversity for inclusive prosperity

The space for tolerance is shrinking in most parts of the world. From major conflicts to the more subtle acts of discrimination, minority groups, refugees and marginalised communities are facing persecution and suppression in many forms, shapes and scales.

2y ago

Why the lax attitude in bringing traffickers to justice?

Human trafficking continues to plague Bangladesh. As recently as October this year, the Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) arrested 11 traffickers belonging to two rackets—one of them being “Dance Club.”

2y ago
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