Iron grip of persecution, hunger and discrimination

Experts tell us that it should take another 150 to 170 years to close the gender pay gap around the world. Bad news for the mothers,

7y ago

How can India win if Bangladesh does not?

Which between the two countries has gained more from Bangladesh prime minister's visit to India this month? The question appears no less intriguing than the long-standing debate over which came first between chicken and egg.

7y ago

Who's going to save politics from money?

Bees make honey, but it's easier said than done. They have to fly 55,000 miles and visit roughly 2 million flowers to produce a pound of honey.

7y ago

Cowards strung together in a daisy chain

Shame is thus the flipside of honour, and one can't exist without the other. Shameless people can't be honourable, and honourable people can't be shameless.

7y ago

Terrorism was never in the DNA

The skein of yarn spun out of the Palestinian struggle, and then got twisted in the relentless Western maneuvering in the Middle East to defend Israel.

7y ago

Great ideals are ghost lights at night

An increase in elevation lowers air pressure, which makes breathing difficult for a climber. The underwater world becomes increasingly blue and eventually black as a diver goes deeper.

7y ago

Presidential humour and the irony of education

The President of the Republic went public with his academic records, while addressing the 50th convocation of Dhaka University on March 4.

7y ago

Lies make us blind in full sight

If an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, what does a lie for a lie do to us?

7y ago

Need for a factual assessment

The Muslims make 14.2 percent of India's 1.25 billion people. But, 25 percent of India's 370,000 beggars are Muslims. The

7y ago

Looking for common grounds or common interests?

If national unity is an issue today, it also was an issue before. Our leaders didn't want to recognise it then, and they don't want to recognise it now. Meanwhile, a crack has grown into a giant hole.

7y ago

The Americans should have their own Chilcot

The Americans don't need to carry the burden of one man's guilt on their conscience. They, like the British people, have the right to know why their former leader had lied to take their country to a wasteful war.

7y ago

Terrorism is a suicide note written in blood

On the first day of this month, which also coincided with the first day of the Eid holidays for many, this nation was punched in the stomach while it was breaking out in laughter.

7y ago

Fame is fleeting and it's so hollow!

First it was the largest Indian state of Rajasthan that ejected Jawaharlal Nehru from its school textbook in the first week of last May...

7y ago

Omar Mateen's ghost breathing inside Donald Trump?

Lets start with this absurd disclaimer that no identification with actual persons portrayed in this hypothesis is intended or should be inferred.

7y ago

Is the crackdown dousing fire with kerosene?

The ongoing crackdown is only rounding up hundreds of men every day with the jest of fishermen dragging a river. But can the numbers deliver the results, because a crackdown works like stray bullets having the greater chance of missing than hitting the targets?

7y ago

A book that can't be made into film

Syed Fahim Munaim, the late CEO and Chief Editor of Maasranga Television, who died on June 1, can be best described as the life support system for an indefatigable smile.

7y ago

Who's responsible for the deaths in UP elections?

The CEC has tried to blame everything on the political culture prevailing in the country, which sounded funny. It has only convinced the rest of us that he was blaming the dance floor to hide that he didn't know how to dance.

7y ago

What happens when living in the void?

Nothing comes from nothing” is a philosophical expression first argued by pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Parmenides.

7y ago
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