We must stop the infighting to retain buyers

To maintain its position as a global leader in the garment industry, Bangladesh must prioritise unity and stability.

2w ago

It’s time to look forward with our fashion partners

We need to look at what the business community needs from our state and non-state institutions.

1m ago

How our RMG industry empowered women

The RMG industry has provided lakhs of women, with their first formal employment opportunities.

2m ago

Opinion / Bangladesh on the renewable energy race track

A country’s energy mix may even one day override all other issues given the climate crisis we face.

2m ago

Why are gas prices so volatile?

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022 had significant implications for the global gas supply chain, and caused what many termed a gas crisis. The reduction in supply led to a dramatic rise in gas prices globally. .Indeed, gas prices in Europe reached unprecedented levels, impacting ene

3m ago

To cut CO2 emissions, let’s tackle over-production

We live in a world where approximately 9.2 percent of the global population lives on less than $2.15 per day according to figures from 2019.

3m ago

SBTi debate has major implications for RMG suppliers

The carbon offsetting schemes that have been discredited in the past could be improved

3m ago

How fashion is future-proofing by investing in technology

Are fashion brands becoming more than retailers of clothing?

4m ago

When contracts have no meaning

What does a “contract” actually mean? I am sure many garment factory owners have been pondering over this issue these past few weeks. Here’s a simple definition of a contract: “A written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law.”

4y ago

World needs to use or lose Bangladesh apparel industry

It has taken more than four decades of incredibly hard work to build up the Bangladeshi RMG industry. In fact, the first export-oriented RMG industry of Bangladesh began when Daewoo of South Korea established a joint venture in 1977, almost 43 years ago.

4y ago

Plagued by coronavirus, can the RMG industry pull together?

Recently, I wrote about how coronavirus (COVID-19), which is now on the verge of becoming a global pandemic, has provided a wake-up call for Bangladesh and its RMG industry.

4y ago

Factories need to grasp the nettle

Never under-estimate the power of marketing and PR. At present, there is a huge disparity in the global apparel industry in terms of who is doing what with regard to sustainability. Some brands are doing a lot. Some brands are doing a little. Some brands are doing nothing at all.

4y ago

When will the global apparel industry truly clean up its act?

News of another apparel factory tragedy on February 8, which claimed seven innocent lives, throws into sharp focus how much is still needed to be done in the global apparel industry to ensure the safety of its workers.

4y ago

The coronavirus conundrum for Bangladesh apparel industry

The corona-virus, which has already killed hundreds of people in China and is now making its way across the globe, will inevitably cause significant disruption to apparel supply chains during 2020. The question is, to what extent, for how long, and how will Bangladesh be impacted?

4y ago

Can the new leaders build on the legacy of their predecessors?

In family businesses, the concept of “succession planning” is well known. It is the process of identifying and developing new leaders who can replace old leaders when they leave, retire or die.

4y ago

Time for our apparel industry to promote its sustainable credentials

"You can’t sell anything if you can’t tell anything,” stated Beth Comstock, former vice chair of General Electric, and I feel this is true when we consider the advances in sustainability made by the apparel industry of Bangladesh and the growing global awareness of the importance of the sustainability agenda.

4y ago

It’s good to talk

We need to talk more in the workplace. We need to communicate better. We need to get things out in the open, to air grievances, share our hopes, fears and concerns and, where appropriate, ideas, aspirations and goals for the future.

4y ago

The mark-up monotony

"Find the right price for an irresistible offer, which, by the way, isn’t necessarily the lower price.” So stated W. Chan Kim, Professor of Strategy and Management at INSEAD, one of the world’s leading and largest graduate business schools.

4y ago