On the shores of (in)justice

On the shores of (in)justice

International Migrants Day / Challenges that our migrant workers face

Bangladeshi migrant workers require a range of services and support at both the origin and destination ends.

7m ago

Opinion / The flipside of the democracy carnival

Bereft of the basic rights to assemble and express, let alone protest, the people of Bangladesh are currently bearing the brunt of the coercive apparatuses of the state.

7m ago

Attaining zero target on border killing

Killing of civilians along the Bangladesh-India border by India’s Border Security Force (BSF) has plagued the bilateral relations between the two countries for decades.

1y ago

Vital yet vulnerable

Near absence of an affordable and accessible healthcare arrangement in the Gulf states has led many workers to rely on self-medication, often consuming expired medicines brought from home by themselves and their peers.

1y ago

Was it really about 'protecting the interest of the child'?

As the government came under international scrutiny for curtailing freedom of expression, the question of child exploitation became the rallying point.

1y ago

Poritosh Sarkar’s Orwellian Experience

The most egregious breach of law in Poritosh’s case was when he was placed in solitary confinement.

1y ago

Who will defend our public property defenders?

Over the past month, journalists and activists have been subjected to an amplified scale of threats, intimidation, and incarceration at the hands of powerful group.

1y ago

Ordinary citizens’ vulnerability to custodial torture

The police’s heavy-handed approach in dispersing a crowd that was peacefully protesting the price hike of a medical service has appalled citizens.

1y ago

The perils of protecting the image

Enhancing the country’s image entails making tangible and dedicated efforts to address its problems.

1y ago

Freedom of Assembly: A right under siege

The right to hold peaceful assembly is under severe constraints in Bangladesh.

1y ago

Robbed wages, stolen livelihoods

Migrant workers are systematically robbed of their wages and due entitlements in host countries.

1y ago

Is the Data Protection Act an extension of DSA?

Over the past several months, efforts have been afoot to frame a data protection law in Bangladesh.

1y ago

Left to fend for themselves

The health vulnerability of migrant workers has thus far received scant attention in policy discourses.

1y ago

Sumon Sheikh's custodial death: Too many questions unanswered

It is unfortunate that custodial torture continues to be pervasive in Bangladesh, which has enacted the Torture and Custodial Death (Prohibition) Act, 2013.

1y ago

Don’t ‘criminals’ have the right to access justice?

It is mind-boggling that, by claiming that all those killed at the border “are criminals,” the head of BSF has acknowledged that his force has concurrently arrogated the roles of petitioner, judge, jury, and executioner.

1y ago

How long will we ignore what's happening in police custody?

Over the years, there has been rising concern about the 'systemic nature' of custodial torture and deaths in Bangladesh.

1y ago

Syndicates in migration: Re-accessing the Malaysian labour market

Is a nexus of a few Bangladeshi recruitment agencies and a powerful segment of the human resources ministry in Malaysia trying to impose unfair and unethical conditions on the long-awaited reopening of the Malaysian labour market?

2y ago

Return of enforced disappearance and extrajudicial killing?

It was a sombre occasion at the Dhaka Reporters Unity premises on April 30.

2y ago
push notification