15 long years and a Bangladesh that stays united

After 15 long years,
Long years of no freedom, long years of being buried,
Buried from the reality, reality of dictatorship,
Reality of a two-faced regime,
The reality of fear,
Fear of suppression,
Fear of unrest,
Silence all around, freedom of speech was nonexistent,
People were ghosts in their own land,
Their mouths were zipped up,
The decade of fascism,
Of blood
Of anxiety,
Of no voice,
Of ignorance,
Of imprisonment,
Of the once invisible house of mirrors,
They are now over,
Power of the students,
Students who were protesters,
Protestors who had faith in the people,
Protestors who had faith in change,
With 9 demands,
While many were martyred,
The population never gave up,
They kept protesting, shedding blood in their hands,
Fighting for a better tomorrow,
One day, the 9 demands became 1,
The tigers kept roaring, until the fascist party was gone,
The changes were immediate
They were seen,
The changes are inevitable,
The power of their voices,
The power of their love for the nation,
The power of passion for a better future,
Had overthrown a long-lasting devil,
On August 5, we saw a free land,
We found the land beautiful,
We celebrated with happiness, we still celebrate with love, for the ones that made the impossible possible,
For which we are forever grateful, here's to a free Bangladesh, a Bangladesh that chases improvements, a Bangladesh that only shows love, a Bangladesh that listens,
And a Bangladesh that stays united
Amaya Rahman year 10 Australian International School